1.5K 88 16

^^ Dragonborn Necromancer ^^

The tension in the group was palpable, but I honestly couldn't care less, considering the benefits of what I'd done, versus the negatives. Pro: the idiots I killed were going to piss off every monster in the damned dungeon, and likely get killed, and then we'd all die too, as the boss and all his minions attacked us at once, but that future was gone. Con: I'd killed a few asshole teammates. Pro: there was now an even 40 people, and that meant 4 of the 16 Archers went with each Group of 10, of which there were now 4! Symmetry! Con: I may have become an irredeemable asshole in the view of everyone here. Pro: no one was disobeying orders! Kenny had full control, and was doing excellently!!! Cons: Kenny was probably going to go mad with power soon. Very soon.

"Right Flank, tighten up! Archers, Loose a Volley at the Fliers!!!" The Knight bellowed, slashing the face of one of the large lizard-like creatures in front of us; they looked much like Komodo Dragons, if Komodo's mated with real Dragons, as well as Rhino in there somewhere to accommodate the massive nose horn? Or a Dog's bone structure, no wings, and a Dragon's features... All in all, very confusing, but they were the perfect size for a Mount, if only people would stop killing them right after I finally manage to contract them!!!

The archers in our group drew arrows and fired in his pointed direction, shooting down a small flying monster that had been pestering us from above, then went back to shooting the eyes and open mouths of the beasts to a voice wasting arrows against their scales, which were immune to normal piercing damage, it seemed.

The last of the creatures in our area was on its last leg, in front of Kenny, and I sprang forward with Glee, straddling it's back and holding on as it whipped its heavy mace-like tail at me and tried to shake me off, trying the Servant Contract as many times as it would let me; because he was 4 Levels above me, I only had a 5% Chance of Success, and even with a 30 in luck that took a few tries.

Creature Contracted: Green Fire Drake, Lvl 20!
Green Fire Drake, Lvl 20: Pack Tactics, Dragonhide, Dark-Vision.
Dragonhide: This Skill grants Immunity to either Piercing or Slashing.

"Yesssssss!!!" I grinned, sending the creature into my Inventory just before one of the Barbarians swiped at it pettily with a Greataxe. "Yeah, go jack off in a corner if you wanna wack something, little boy!" I waved him off angrily after just barely avoiding getting hit as well.

80K XP Gained by Party: 2K XP Gained!
1200 XP Gained from Green Fire Drake Lvl 20 (x12)
800 XP Gained from Wyvern Scout Lvl 20 (x8)
(Progress Lvl 16: 21,160/35K-> Lvl 17)

"Alright, let's move on to the next Geyser and hope the Mini-Boss is there... bro, you're sure no one has found any of the three Mini-Bosses that are in here with us?" Kenny grunted, cracking his back slowly; four hours into the raid, running around in circles from geyser to geyser, and we hadn't found any of the Mini-Bosses at all.

"No, the others say they haven't seen a thing." Uric sighed, wiping sweat from his forehead wearily. The heat and continuous physical activity was taking a toll on most of the people here, but I felt just fine; perks of being a Demoness, I suppose.

I sat down on a rock heavily, stretching my arms. "Alright, I'm done going in circles. Uric, use this, get us into step with a damned Mini-Boss!" I tossed a compass at him, keeping an eye on the one that was still locked into the yet-to-appear boss.

He caught the bauble, muttering angrily at me about disrespect before clenching it in his fist and closing his eyes for a few moments. "Alright, let's see what your little Dowsing Rod Marble tells us..." he grumbled sarcastically, opening his fist and revealing the compass... pointing directly at the center of the Cavern. "F@$k!!! They're all together in one place?!?"

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