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^^ Triton Captain ^^

As Promised, Hellen got to hit the Button, after I wound a string of Blasting Potions around the four wrists and pointed four of the Cannons at them from a thousand feet away, the minimum Safe Distance. With a grin to rival any incarnation of the Joker on her face, she slapped the button and watched the Cannons charge up and fire, instantly detonating a blast that shattered the arms of the Titans, while the Dragon-Ships began bathing everything around them in their Cursed Breath, so that when they all died, they'd go to my Dungeon. While the Adventurers were usually quick to respond to threats, the City flipping itself over in less than a second (with help from the dragons,) threw them off, and so many were caught up in the falling City as it plunged a thousand feet down and crashed into the Docks, nearly turning itself into gravel from the power of the impact. Before the smoke cloud even cleared, my Cannons were firing a Continuous Bombardment at both the Ruins and the Resurrection Platform, prompting Notifications to clog the corner of my vision, so I muted them for now.

Soon after, my Ships arrived, with their Naval Captains bedecked in the proper attire for a Royal Navy; unlike the Pirates, with their raggedy pirate clothes and patched sails, every inch of these sailors was perfect, with their long hair tamed somewhat into a straight waterfall down their shoulders, their turquoise skin clean and unblemished. (I had ordered the Warforged replaced with Triton Sailors, upon learning that the Warforged were not resistant to Salt Corrosion, which meant they simply weren't desirable as Sailors aboard sea vessels.) A selection of the Tritons dove into the water as their Magical Cannons began firing in rhythm with ours, hunting down the survivors along with a pair of Level 45 Water Elementals, while I sat down in my Parlor and opened a bottle of champagne, pouring glasses for myself and my party, then another for Tangent as he stepped in warily. "Ah, Guild-Master! You're just in time for the Toast! Grab a Glass!"

"A toast, you say... to what? The destruction of the City?" He frowned at me testily.

"Oh, it'll be back tomorrow, no harm no foul! No, with all of that XP, we've finally reached Level 50!" I laughed and placed a glass into his hand, then raised my own to the others. "To Silver Web hitting Level 50, and the Superbia Guild becoming the Truly Dominant Guild in the City of Adepts!!!"

"Cila Boli!!!" Uric and Kenny cheered, tossing back the entire flute like a Shot, while Jack and Hellen smiled and sipped theirs properly.

Tangent huffed out a tired chuckle, and saluted his glass a little lack-lusterly. "I can't deny it's nice to have such a Lead over everyone else... but there's going to be a lot of Revenge PvP in the next few months."

"Oh sure, that's true." I shrugged, sipping the champagne and setting the glass in front of Kenny and Uric, (I was sure one of them would finish it for me,) then pulled him over to the window, where we could see the Resurrection Platform being bombarded. "But, Guild Master... who will be high enough in Level to attack us, or have the Gall to do so?" I chuckled softly at his aghast face, and then sat down with the others, enjoying the impromptu Party-Party.

55M XP Gained by Party: 11M XP Gained!
(Progress Lvl 48: 13.7M/3.5M-> Lvl 49)
Level Up! Congratulations Sam, Level 50 Alchemist!
Abilities Unlocked: Labyrinthian Engineer (20)!
(Progress Lvl 50: 6.2M/5M-> Lvl 51)
Labyrinthian Engineer (20): The Traps you set deal an additional +30 Modifier.
Rank Up Available!!!
Choose One: Disciple of Iapyx, Disciple of Vikare, Disciple of Perdix.

"Interesting... the Healer, Iapyx, the Fool, Vikare, and the Inventor, Perdix..." I smiled and closed the screen, opening the Dungeon Creator. "I know it's only been a few days, but let's upgrade to Level 50!"

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