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^^ How the DM Cures their Murderhobos ^^

One thing I didn't consider, about my brilliant plan to have all the other players mobbed by the Monsters; the Disorienting Effects of the Miasma I was using made the Monsters miss 90% of their attacks as well. Not that it really mattered in the end, as 10 of the remaining 25 Enemies died in less than five minutes, and the others began running away, towards the center of the dungeon where the Mini-Bosses and Boss were all languishing; they'd gotten the same message as we had, about a safe house in the center, and they were rushing there as quickly as they could.

7 Light Faction Members have Died!
3 Dark Faction Members have Died!
10 PvP Credits awarded to the Grey Faction!

6 Light Faction Members Remain!!!
9 Dark Faction Members Remain!!!
5 Grey Faction Members Remain!!!

Current Rankings—
1: Grey Faction, 80 Credits
2: Light Faction, 38 Credits
3: Dark Faction, 37 Credits

"Huh... I didn't expect the Dungeon to Destroy them so easily. They haven't even killed anything here yet." I shook my head sadly, sending my Clockwork Dragon up to the top of the fake tree we currently resided under; it perched at the top, invisible, and kept watch for anything coming towards us.

"How do you know they haven't killed anything?" Kenny asked, laying down a trio of tens on his Rummy board and discarding a seven of clubs.

"We'll get XP for everything that dies, because I'm Confusing them all with my Potions and Miasma." I took the seven, adding it to my hand and laying down the eight and nine of clubs with it on my board, discarding an ace of spades.

"So we're leeching the entire Dungeon? Anything that dies, we get credit for?" Hellen took the ace and laid down all four of them, making us groan in irritation at her new points.

"Yeah, Pretty much..." I grumbled, watching Jack pick up a card from the deck and immediately discard the king of hearts.

"What do you think happens if we get 100 Credits?" Uric hummed, taking the king and discarding a six of diamonds.

"We won't... we're at 80 and there's only 15 people left; 20 if you count us, but you've have to kill yourself, too, to get to 100, and that would ruin the point." I shrugged.

"Damn." He sighed, then slapped Kenny's hand as he reached for more than the first card in the discard. "Hey! No double drawing!"

"I can use it, don't worry." He chuckled, using the four of diamonds and the six, as well as a five from his hand to make a run and set that on his board, discarding a two of spades with a shit-eating grin to his little brother.

"Nice draw..." I sighed, then looked up as the Clockwork Dragon spoke.

'Adventurers approaching; many monsters giving chase.' -Fairy Dragon Servant.

"Define Many?" I murmured, drawing and discarding a jack of hearts.

'... 70 Monsters total; 15 Adventurers.' -Fairy Dragon Servant.

"Oof... yeah, they're dead." I nodded seriously, and sent the Fairy Dragon to ignite the swamp before they reached the Boss Room. I didn't want the other Factions to get any XP from the Mini-Bosses and Monsters, after all. It may be a bit Hoarder-ish, but they got all the XP from the Fey Dungeon, so screw them!

The Party watched through the view-finder I'd discovered for my Servants as it spat lightning at a small bag of gas, igniting it and flying away swiftly as the bag popped, the fire spreading almost instantly; much like dropping a match onto a bonfire that's been soaking in gasoline for an hour, the reaction was immediate. A roaring magnesium fire devoured the adventurers as they ran, eating through their health slowly but surely; even as the Dark Faction resisted half the damage from the fire, the Fumes poisoned them and did double damage, -because of the Spider Queen's Legacy,- and evening as the Light Faction resisted the poison, they got burnt alive. The monsters resisted the fumes as well, but also took damage... somewhat. The Level 30 monsters took the damage like it was nothing, losing only about 25% of their health over the two minutes that the Adventurers survived. The fire Spread to the entire dungeon, slowly but surely, and even into the Boss Room, where I could only hope it would eventually kill off the Mini-Bosses. Maybe.

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