18 ⚔️ Mission

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When Xiaoyu woke up, she found herself on her bed in her room. Alone.

She wasn't surprised to find that Zhijian had disappeared after she fell asleep. Especially with the little episode she had, he must be avoiding her as much as he could. Accident or not, her lack of control over her powers had hurt him.

She buried her face in her hands, silently berating herself. Why couldn't she ever do a single thing right?

The doors to her room were pulled open. The same servant – a young, scrawny girl with her hair pulled back into a high bun – walked in, carrying a tray of breakfast meant for the Demoness.

She looked no older than fifteen years old, her face always wearing the same aloof expression as if she didn't have a care in the world. Even though it had been a few days since she started delivering food, Xiaoyu still didn't know her name. Once, she had tried to ask but the girl merely lifted a brow at her in a mocking manner before leaving the room.

Clearly, no one was fond of talking to the Demoness.

When Xiaoyu got off her bed and rose to her feet, she heard a light, rustling noise behind her. Turning around, she noticed a small, furry animal sitting on her pillow. Cocking its head at her in curiosity, the little one swished its bushy tail playfully.

Xiaoyu's heart swooned at the adorable desert fox that she was seeing for the second time

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Xiaoyu's heart swooned at the adorable desert fox that she was seeing for the second time. The first time was back on the Demoness Island.

Fascinated, she approached it and the fox leapt onto her lap eagerly, sniffing and licking her hand. She smiled at the ticklish sensation and brushed her hand over the soft, light-fawn fur, marvelling at how soft they were.

Where did you come from, little one?

Did Zhijian summon you to keep a close watch on me just in case I might run away?

Whatever the reason was, she was smitten by the animal. For the rest of the day, she expelled her boredom by playing around with the fox. When night arrived and Zhijian didn't appear once to check on her, she was beginning to feel restless. Even his younger brother, who would normally pay her a visit after his lessons ended, didn't show up.

Hm, how strange.

Falling asleep was always a struggle for Xiaoyu. Whenever she closed her eyes, all she could see was the blood stain on her hands. If it wasn't for the little fox that had stayed by her side the entire night, she would have barely managed to keep a hold on her bearings while her nightmares invaded her mind.

At long last, someone came for her the next day. It was Zhijian's close friend, Jinlong — the mischievous oddball.

He burst into her room unannounced, dressed in his uniform with a sword hanging by his side. Almost immediately, Xiaoyu flinched at his sudden appearance and retreated to a corner, trying to keep a safe distance between them.

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