19 ⚔️ The Grandma Ghost

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Two days.

This was what it would take to kill Zhijian. The side effect of summoning a soulmate was literally that fatal.

This explained why he had told Xiaoyu that he was cursed. Even if he did lie to her, what they shared between them – the soulmate bond – was truly a curse indeed. She never knew what it was like to love a man, but what she knew for certain was that anybody who was bound to her would end up walking on a dark, arduous road alongside her.

A future that Zhijian shouldn't be led into.

He did nothing wrong, rather, it was all her fault. He shouldn't be the one who would have to share the weight of her sins.

Everything made sense now. The way Zhijian gave her dark looks, and how he always kept his distance from her.

He must be hating her so much.

But why did he console her in her most distressed state?

It took a full minute for Jinlong's words to sink in her mind. Once she jolted out of her shock, she bolted straight for the doors with the little fox in her arms, crossing the threshold without the slightest of hesitation. Her boldness left a startled Jinlong behind, who soon followed her.

Even Xiaoyu was surprised at herself. It was her first time making such a daring move.

She couldn't imagine the consequences of leaving her room but figured she would deal with them later on. For now, all she could think of was how unwilling she was to let another person die again because of her.

Finding Zhijian as soon as possible was her top priority.

As if knowing what she needed, the fox leapt out of her arms to lead the way. Given that it was summoned by Zhijian, a familiar would definitely find its way back to its master without fail.

An hour later, Xiaoyu and Jinlong found themselves in one of the nearby villages, walking down a dirt path along a small stream. Situated on the other side was a long stretch of wooden huts that villagers lived in.

A small crowd had formed on the edge of the stream, surrounding a couple. A mother sat weakly on the ground, crying out for her child that had gone missing while playing with his friends. Kneeling right next to her was her husband, whose face had paled and was in a state of shock.

Listening to the furious words exchanged among the villagers, it seemed like the couple's child was the newest victim of the recent disappearance of children.

Sympathetic whispers were exchanged.

"What a pitiful couple..."

"Another child was taken... I'm scared."

"What a despicable being!"

Someone else muttered angrily. "The Grandma Ghost is cruel indeed! Stealing away their one and only child. Exactly how many children does she want?"

One of the angry mothers spoke up. "This cannot go on. We have to form our own teams to guard the remaining children. In the meantime, let's hope that Eradicator will hunt down that demon!"

Jinlong's ears perked up immediately. "Excuse me," he addressed the group. They turned, their faces immediately lighting up with hope when they recognised the uniform he was wearing.

"The Eradicator that you're talking about – how did he look? Handsome but scary-looking?"

They nodded and pointed them in the direction of the thick forest. "Our witness saw the Grandma Ghost going that way. We told the boy about it and he hurried off."

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