61 ⚔️ Leader Jiang

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Without anybody knowing, Xiaoyu left the tavern. Together with Liqing, she was returning to the place where she had escaped from.

It was strange how she was feeling a lot calmer than she expected. With each step she took, her courage only heightened. The fact that she knew that Zhijian's little brother was held hostage by the Jiang clan infuriated her and filled her with a determination to crush them all.

But there was one only question which she didn't have the answer to — how was she going to break free from the Puppet Curse?

Leaving the Valley of the Dawn, they continued to press forward. Not a word was exchanged between them as they were both engrossed in their own thoughts. It was only when they almost reached the meeting place did someone finally speak.

"Thank you," Liqing said quietly. Her shoulders were tense and she was unable to meet her eyes. "I'll never forget what you did today. I'll make sure to get Zhixuan out safely."

Xiaoyu gave a grim smile. "You better uphold that promise."

Even if she didn't trust her, she didn't have a choice but to hold her word for it. Even if it meant using her voice as a weapon.

Moreover, the magic in her voice had definitely effectuated some form of control over Liqing's promise. Realising that Xiaoyu had spoken out loud, the girl stumbled away from her. Her face paled with shock. 

"Y-you can talk after all... I-I..."

It was weird to see her being this unnerved. When they first met, she was wild, harsh and deceitful. But seeing this frightened side of her, Xiaoyu finally understood. Her cruel facade was nothing but an act to protect herself. 

In the end, she was just a weak and vile person.

They walked for another hour as the moon loomed high over their heads. Their feet were aching and throbbing, but it was nothing compared to the fear and trepidation that they were feeling. After a few minutes, an anxious Liqing came to a sudden halt, her eyes narrowing at the wooden carriage waiting up ahead on the footpath running along the bottom of the hill and leading towards the next city.

"We're here."

She walked ahead, leaving Xiaoyu behind. The men were watching them with anticipation, and she recognised one of them immediately. It was another one of the few people she detested seeing – Jiang Yifeng. He had a face she would never forget.

"Demoness." His face brightened at the sight of her. Just like his father, they always wore the same sickly sweet smile when they saw her. "You've returned to us."

His dark eyes raked over her with greed like she was his prey. But what he failed to realise now was that she had changed, she wasn't going to let herself be their plaything again.

"Lead the way." Her voice was steady and clear, easily seizing control of his mind and everybody else in the area who could hear her. The figures stood motionless, their blank eyes staring back at her. She levelled a glare at Jiang Yifeng.

"Give me a knife," she ordered. "And take me to your father."

He obeyed. Pulling out a sheathed knife from his belt, he handed it over to her. She grasped the cool sheath, feeling the heaviness in her chest that came along with it, before slipping it into the hidden pocket in her robe. Without wasting any more time, she got onto the carriage with the spellbound Liqing, watched the other men get onto the horses and pulled them away.

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