10. The Ball

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"We are here, Lady Adailia."

I took the knight's arm and he escorted me to the huge doors of the Royal Academy. I knew it was the Royal Academy because it was mentioned in the novel that the ball would be held there.

The guards announced my name and opened the huge doors.

My heart thumped against my ribcage.

Breathe! BREATHE!!!!

My brain reminded me.

I was blinded by the lights inside. The room was circular in shape and huge (almost as big as our dining room) the floors were probably made of marble and there was a huge chandelier attached to the ceiling.

The room was filled with teenagers in fancy dresses and a few servants.


I chanted under my breath as I tried to walk gracefully with those high heels. Luckily Adailia's body was well trained and I did not embarrass myself.

I walked down the long flight of stairs to get inside the circular hall with Seanna following me from behind. Everyone had their eyes on me.

Wait...... Why me????

Isn't Seanna prettier than I am??

Why??...... Wait.... Don't tell me this is that type of novel where nobody realises the heroine's beauty except the male protagonist.

It is.

I thought as I remembered that there was no one, not a single soul who was interested in Seanna except the Prince.

I swept my eyes over the crowd which mostly included boys since the Academy didn't have many girls.

They were all staring at me with their mouth hanging open, while some were blushing and then I saw a boy who had blood trickling down his nose. While the girls just stared at me with jealousy and admiration, mostly jealousy.

Wow..... Never in my 29 years of life had I experienced such attention.

It made me feel self-conscious but I kept a straight face and resisted the urge to look down. Adailia was proud and arrogant. She would never avert eyes or feel shy.

I finished walking downstairs without tripping.



I tried to recollect the Ball encounter from the book. Adailia would just casually stand in the centre of the hall and snicker at people or insult them for their poor sense in fashion.

Hmm....... Nah, I don't want to do that.

I scanned the hall and then my eyes landed on something and I instantly made my towards it, walking fast but gracefully.

I finally stopped in front of the table.

I could imagine my eyes sparkling and lips twitching, threatening to break out a grin.



I remembered how I was starved since morning. I wanted to stuff that bloody cake already.

I looked around to see if any other people were eating (cause it would be weird if only I was the one stuffing my face) and found few noble ladies taking a piece of cake.

I took a plate which had a pastry on it and sat on a chair adjacent to the table.

I took a bite a moaned. This is delicious. The food at my mansion was delicious too, but this was a whole new level.

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