35. Comfort

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Why the hell would I get such a disturbing dream?

And why the hell was Ajhussi in it?

I don't usually get dreams and when I do, they're either something weirdly naughty or pure horror, mostly horror.

The worst horror dream I've ever had, which took me a minute to calm down after I woke up, was that a spider fell from the top and got on my hair, then went in my clothes.

It was a scary nightmare, but not a disturbing one which had me sad all day long.

Well, sad on the inside, pissy on the outside.

I frowned and tried to pay attention to what the professor was teaching. But no. I was just getting depressed each passing second.

I barely talked to anyone that day and Seanna noticed it and asked what's wrong. 'A nightmare' was all I said. I thought of saying 'nothing' but knowing her personality, she'll keep pestering about it later.

I know I shouldn't let a dream make me this moody but I just can't help it.

That day, after coming back to the mansion I called the reaper.

"Why would yo-" I grabbed his collar before he could finish the sentence.

"Did you mess with my dreams?" I asked in a low tone.

He looked confused, "Uh- what?"

"It was you. Wasn't it? The one who messed with my dream!" I accused him. I couldn't think of any other reason why I had this guy in my dream. And knowing his personality, he would definitely get in my dreams to mess with me.

"I didn't." He replied, looking confused.

"Do reapers not have the ability to alter dreams or get into them?" I asked.

"They do. But it is a very hectic process- altering dreams. I wouldn't go through something so troublesome just to mess with you."

"Well, but I think you would go through something so troublesome just to mess with me.", I stated and it's true.

"Haeun," He said, looking at me with weary eyes, "it's understandable why you don't trust me. I have done nothing but cause trouble and annoy you. But I beg you to believe me when I say I didn't do it." He finished, his voice getting to high pitched in the process and I realised two seconds later what he was doing.

He was mimicking me speaking to Raashid on the day when he apologised!

"You asshole!" I said and slapped him on the back.

"I was blinded by love and didn't know what I was doing! But my eyes have finally opened." He again said in a high-pitched voice, wiping away a non-existent tear and this time I whacked him upside his head and he winced before smirking.

"Why weren't you an actress in your past life? You are fucking natural at this."

"Shut up!" I snapped.

His smirk turned into a sad smile, "Haeun, I've been doing this job for million years, I get bored sometimes and that is why mess with you. But I wouldn't go to such extreme levels to cause you discomfort." He said sincerely.

He disappeared after that and I sighed, accepting the fact that it wasn't him who was messing with my dreams.
Messing with me.

It was my inner conscience.

The next day too, went like the previous one, with me barely opening my mouth.

And Raashid noticed something was off, so he wrote a small note on his notebook and showed it to me while the last class for the day was going on.

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