27. My Outburst

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I got in the carriage, ignoring the shouting teachers behind me.

"Mac Eachern Orphanage. Now!" I said to the coachman who nodded wordlessly and rode the carriage.

Soon smokes and a burning building came into the view, fire soldiers, water mages (including Marinus) were all working on extinguishing the fire, while Caiden just got out of a carriage, probably just arriving at the scene. Traashid was giving orders to the Royal Guards and I could see that there were quite a lot of them. This means that the guards guarding the East Portals were already here, leaving the gates open for the kidnappers.

I quickly made my way towards Traashid. I have to tell him. I can't risk Choco's life.

"Your Highness!" I said, my breathing fast, "It's a -"

"Lady Adailia!? You're not supposed to be here!" Traashid exclaimed, looking surprised as well as stressed.

"Listen! It's a distraction! You need to send your guards to-", "Adailia, I don't have time for this, I need to save the kids in here"

"There's NO KIDS Raashid! There are only caretakers here. They were kidnapped and the kidnappers are in the fucking tunnel and are heading towards the East Portals! Trust me on this one, Please!"

He looks at me as if I'd lost it.

Please Believe this. Trust Adailia just this once.

Then he took a deep breath, "Adailia, it's not safe here. Leave."

My hopes were shattered and suddenly an image of a dead girl came to my mind. A girl with black hair and black eyes, which looked lifeless. And for a second I couldn't guess if she was my sister or the one that looked like my sister.

And I knew I couldn't waste any more time trying to get Traashid to believe me and save them.

"Fine. Don't believe me." I muttered, then turned around and dashed towards the nearest manhole cover.

After I found it I took a deep breath and climbed down. There was a pavement on both the sides and dirty water flowing in between.


A faint voice came from my left, I ran as fast I could with those bloody heels.

After 10 minutes of running or something, I finally found the kidnappers and children (tied together in groups) as they were walking with there back to me.

I tried to calm my breath down and composed myself.

Time to execute the plan.

"Oh! Look who we have here!" I exclaimed and all of them stopped and looked at me with wide eyes, but relaxed after they saw I was alone. My hands started to tremble a bit.

"Finish her off." I heard one of them speak in Korean but before anyone could approach me, I started again, "The Prince figured out your plan and is heading towards the tunnel."

All of them flinched, "How do you know.."

"One of your men gave you away. He knows you are in the tunnel and are heading toward the east portals."

"Why are you telling us this and how can we believe you?" One of the men asked.

"I hate the Crown Prince and there's nothing better than his downfall. And you don't have to believe me, it's you who's going to get caught and die anyway." I started speaking bullshit with such confidence that I even shocked myself.

Please! Please buy it!

"Then... What should we do now?" One of them asked and a small sigh of relief leave my mouth.

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