12. What was ThAt?!

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(T)Raashid's POV

What in the hell was that?

My eyes were wide as I tried to comprehend what I just saw.

Caiden asked Adailia for a dance.

Adilia de Perinius, the person who made my life hell was asked for a dance by my best friend - more like a brother who also knew how much I hated her.

Caiden was my best friend since we were five. I thought we were supposed to stand up for each other, fight against our enemies together. His enemies are my enemies and it goes vice-versa, but apparently, he doesn't get that.

"Care to explain what was that?" I asked him as soon as I saw him making his way towards me. Why would he ask Adailia out when he knows how many horrible things she has done to me and other people? Was he enchanted by her beauty?

"...No offence but you sound like a jealous girlfriend." Caiden said and chuckled but stopped when I glared at him. He knows that I'm just looking out for him (being the older one) and that this is serious, but still he needs to make his not-so-funny puns.

"What was what?" He asked.

"Why did you ask Adailia for a dance?"

"She just looked lonely and I knew nobody was going to ask her." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and it was.

"But that doesn't mean you go ask her!" I tried to explain him. He is too kind for his own good.

"You're right but... She looked like she really wanted to dance, so...."

"If she did want to dance that badly, she would have kept her pride aside and danced with you, not reject you." I said. It was obvious that she wanted to dance with me but was not asking because she was still on her 'playing hard to get' act, besides there is no way I was going to ask her.

"You're right.... But how did you know she rejected me?" Caiden asked and I had to roll my eyes.

"Because if she didn't, you two would have been on the dance floor." He is so dumb sometimes, I swear.

"Oh!" Caiden said as he just realised, "But she actually had a reason for not dancing with me."

I again rolled my eyes, "And what was that?"

"She said she had injured her foot on her way here."

I snorted.

Her foot will get all fine if I was the one to ask her for a dance.

"Come on Raashid, she isn't that evil."

She is that evil.

"I don't get why you and Mari have a soft spot for her."

Even though Mari doesn't show it, he obviously is trying to get her back to her senses for quite a while. But at least he isn't that dumb like Caiden and can see through her lies.

I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard someone clearing their throat.

"Sir Caiden." It was a pretty girl, blushing. I soon noticed that there was a swarm of girls surrounding Caiden, pushing each other out of their way.

Lucky bastard.

I thought as I secretly wished one of them would ask me too.

"Would you-" she was cut off when someone pushed her aside however Caiden caught her and said, "Now ladies, that was very rude."

All of the girls stopped moving and bit their tongues as the girl in Caiden's arms quickly asked her question, "Would you mind dancing with me?"

Caiden smiled and agreed as all the other girls started shooting death glares at the lucky girl.

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