Chapter 1~Five Years Later.

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Fanaa's POV.

"You must be kidding?! How can he not be able to meet me today?!! I've been waiting for a week now!!" I was complaining for the third time today.

"I told you this guy is always like that! He likes to make his clients run after him! It's not my fault!" explained Tara.

Tara is my personal secretary.

I met her when I came here five years ago.

She's pretty tall with icy blue eyes and long golden brown hair.

We both were sent to study here in Turkey.

We somehow connected and became really good friends.

Now that I permently moved here we both live in our appartments beside each other.

We were lucky enough to have it side by side.

Living in a foreign country was extremely hard for me in the beginning.

But now I feel like I was born in a turkish family.

The people here are so nice and lovely.

They are sweet and the neighbors around love to share the food they make.

Although we know they want to get us for their single son.

We still love to decline and enjoy the food.

Living in a complete different country and away from my family gets hard sometimes.

I remember them all the time.

I do call and FaceTime them time to time.

I wish they could come here and live with me.

But obviously my condo is too small and they already said that they were good in Canada.

I do miss them, but I'm not ready to go back there.

I know this might sound irresponsible.

But they don't know my past.

In fact, they think I'm living here with... Him.

Which is absolutely false.

Sitting in the waiting room with Tara, I was nervous and frustrated.

With so many years of hard work I've succeeded in becoming a crime investigator and a writer as a side job.

Two years ago, I started writing a book.

And this book had all my feelings poured out in it.

It got recognized all around the world.

I'm so happy and proud.

Just the fact that I get to share my thoughts and feelings towards writing is a big thing for me.

Today I got called for a conference with some of my biggest fans and some other writers who might want to collaborate.

In fact, I'm not the only writer here.

There's about ten other writers here to make a speech as well.

I'm glad to be a part of these special writers.

But I'm so nervous.

This is my first time speaking to a bunch of people.

Inchallah everything goes well.

" if he isn't available tomorrow then I'm telling you, I'm giving up on him" I told Tara.

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