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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
38 Published 04.05.2020



As soon as the call ends, I'm left confused as I stare at the phone in my hand.

It was clear that I had just talked to James' best friends.

But how?

Judging by the yelling, it seems they did it in secret.

Meaning that James probably didn't want them to talk to me.

And the first boy, Alexander. He seemed afraid of James.

I just hoped that James went easy on him because he sounded like a really nice guy.

I was afraid of talking to them because I feared that they would warn me to stop talking to James.

But that wasn't the case.

They were nice.

All three of them.

Alexander seemed to be the most chirpy with his bright voice.

The other two boys, whose names I did not get, were very kind to me.

And it completely surprised me.

I was taken back by their kindness.

I was just a mere stranger and they treated me so nicely.

It felt strange to be treated that way.

As if I didn't deserve it.

All I knew was rejection.

They always made sure of that, until it was engraved in my head.

But why were they so nice to me, when they didn't even know me?


I'm nearly finished with an episode of Sherlock when my phone rings.

Pausing the show, I pick up the phone that is beside the computer and answer the call.

"Hello, this is Sherlock Holmes speaking?" 

"Hello, princess Fiona." He responds and I groan loudly.

Pushing the strand of hair that was in front of my face, I demand. "Why? Out of all the nicknames, why do you choose princess Fiona?" 

James chuckles before speaking. "What else would I call you?" He asks.

With a cheeky grin, I reply. "The girl of your dreams?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I would have to see you in order to call you that. What if you're not the girl of my dreams?" 

My heart quickens at the thought of him seeing me.

And my eyes immediately land on the laptop screen that has now turned black.

I stare at the reflection.

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