Chapter 13

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I really liked writing this chapter.

I hope you enjoy!



Lilia was so surprised that she had almost fallen off of her mate's back.

Lev didn't hesitate before sprinting directly past Roman. The man who had led him and brainwashed glared at Lilia when she turned around to face him as they ran away.

He wore a confident smirk when they made eye contact, so Lilia quickly turned to face the front again. She was worried that Roman's confidence would mean his entire army would attack them before they could leave Roman's land, but another strange thing happened.

Lilia and Lev did not see a single wolf as Lev ran until he'd crossed the territory line. Relief washed over her like a tidal wave. Lilia wrapped her arms around her mate's neck as he ran.

"Thank you," she whispered, knowing very well he could hear her. He let out a grunt of approval and kept running.

Now, all they had to do was run until a pack would take them in, but of course, it wouldn't be that simple. Lilia and Lev would have to find someone who wouldn't kill Lev, first and foremost. Lilia knew what he had done with his life but chose to forget and move on.

She just hoped others could do that too.

When they made it out of Roman's territory, it had been nearing dawn, but Lev ran until dusk and only stopped because Lilia was so exhausted, she'd almost fallen off a few times.

Lev's nose led him to a small cave—he had to crouch down to fit into it, but it would keep them snug and warm until morning.

He laid her down and watched her eyes shut but nudged her with his nose before she could actually fall asleep. He chuffed at her and nudged her until she realized that he wanted her to shift to stay warm.

His prior experience with her suggested her immune system couldn't handle cold well, so he would make sure she shifted and had enough warmth for him to hunt for their food.

Lilia was shivering when he jogged back into their makeshift home. Lev was relieved when the shivering stopped as soon as he wrapped his body around hers. She sighed in relief and closed her eyes to sleep, but Lev woke her. Again.

She couldn't help the irritated snarl when she opened her eyes but quickly apologized with a few licks to Lev's snout. He nudged one deer before her and took the other for himself. How had he hunted these so quickly? She couldn't finish one deer on her own.

The stomach inside her body was not the same since she'd left her home. Normally she would eat everything in sight, to the irritation of Johanna, but her stomach couldn't handle large amounts of food now.

She finished eating what her stomach allowed and pushed the rest of it towards him. He huffed in frustration before wolfing it down.

They slept until dawn the next morning, Lev wanting to keep them moving, but it felt like Lilia had only slept a couple of hours. Her immune system was already getting worse.

She shifted into her human form, climbed onto Lev's back, and they were off. It took a few hours before they finally reached a pack.

With four patrolling wolves snarling at them, Lilia slowly slipped to the ground, her neck in a submissive pose.

"We come as refugees seeking solace," she explained, holding her hands up as well. One of the wolves shifted into his human form and stepped towards her.

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