Chapter 20

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Hey guys! This story is about to take a turn I'm very excited for. We'll learn some new info about Lev's past!

Hope you enjoy :)


"C'mon, Lev! Stay still. Alpha Luke won't want to see you if you're all smelly," Lilia laughed.

Lev was splashing a lot of water out of the tub in an effort to end his bath. Lilia hadn't even washed all of the soap off of him.

She let him know she was done rinsing him off and watched him flail his way out of the bathtub.

"No! No. Shake outside or Luke is going to kill us!" Lilia shouted. Lev froze and growled softly but stomped outside and shook the water out of his fur in front of several pack members.


"Thank you," Lilia sang to him. He huffed and Lilia chuckled knowing he would probably be grumpy for the rest of the day.

She led the way to her family's room and knocked on their door. Johanna answered right away with a smile and greeted Lilia with a tight hug. She greeted Lev with a small, respectful nod.

"We're going to Lev's daily training, and then the doctor will be ready to see you," Lilia said, peeking in to wave at her mother who was still getting ready.

"Could we see Lev's human form? We're very curious, but we won't do it without your permission," Johanna directed at Lev. He glanced at Lilia looking a little confused. Lilia bent down.

"I know you feel vulnerable in your human form," she whispered even though she knew Johanna could hear, "so you can say no if you want."

Lev tilted his head at her then gave Johanna a nod. She smiled and gave him another nod to say thanks.

"We're headed there now, so we'll see you both in a few minutes, right? There's an elevator just down the hall, and it's the entire third floor. When you're there, just yell!" Lilia instructed after she stood back up.

She rubbed Lev's fur back and forth to relax him.

"We'll be there," Johanna answered. She shut the door and Lilia and Lev took the stairs up to the medical floor. Alpha Luke was already waiting for them.

"Ready?" He asked Lev. Lev just hopped up onto the table and Lilia turned her back so he could shift comfortably.

When she turned back around Lev was shifted and covered with a hospital gown. Alpha Luke and Lilia were only able to work on Lev's legs for a few seconds before Johanna announced their arrival.

Lev looked over just as Lilia disappeared and he fought the urge to shift. She's going to be with her family, there is no need for a fight.

Sure enough, Kate was wheeled around the corner by Lilia with Johanna close behind. Lev tried to ignore their looks of surprises but the uncomfortable rumble in his chest betrayed him. Lilia left her mother's side quickly and was beside him the next second.

"It's alright," she comforted, brushing back his hair. She sent a look to her family that moved their eyes towards Alpha Luke.

They introduced themselves again and he explained what they were doing. Luke moved to Lev's hands and started massaging the muscles.

"He's hot," Kate whispered to Lilia once she had come back over to her mother's chair. Lilia's face flushed red and she put her hands over her cheeks.

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