Chapter 17

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Hello again! I'm really enjoying writing this story. I hope everyone is safe and well!


"Once we're done here, Jack wants to see you."

Lilia and Alpha Luke were stretching Lev's muscles again two weeks later. Lev actually had some control of his muscles' movement, but they still needed to be stretched before the training began.

They hadn't heard much from Alpha Blackwood. All she knew was that Alpha Blackwood had reached out to her old Alpha, Alpha Howie. It was unnerving her that they hadn't heard anything more.

Lilia and Alpha Luke were focused on Lev the entire time. He had started grunting in human form to express his feelings. He let out rough, loud grunts if he was upset or uncomfortable, or soft grunts that sounded more like moans if he was feeling pouty or whiny.

He had gotten so cute over the past weeks and Lilia loved learning about his personality. He was going to finally get a haircut from Alpha Blaton and a shave from Alpha Luke.

"Jack will have to cut his hair, he usually cuts mine. I don't want to mess it up," Luke chuckled nervously a few days prior, "but I can shave him so the beard doesn't get all rough and messy."

"So, are we cutting his hair today?"

"No, just the shave," Alpha Luke answered, "we'll do it after we go to Jack's office."

"Has he heard anything from Alpha Blackwood?"

"If he has, he hasn't told me anything." Alpha Luke gave Lilia a sympathetic smile. She told herself not to get her hopes up.

"Alright, Lev, how you feeling?" Alpha Luke asked.he set his left leg down. Lev let out a loud, high pitched whine to indicate that he was most likely pouting. He got sick of these morning meet-ups pretty quickly.

"He's fine," Lilia laughed. Alpha Luke chuckled too, causing Lev to whine again in the exact same way.

"No, we're not laughing at you, bud," Alpha Luke snickered. Lev whined again.

"Alright, alright, let's call it for today. We'll be back for his shave." As soon as Lilia finished her sentence, Lev was shifting into his wolf form and jumping off the table. He sat next to the door and patiently waited for someone to open it.

"You've become a lot more playful, Lev," Lilia walked towards the door after thanking Alpha Luke, "I like it. Let's go see Alpha Blaton!"

He followed her slowly and climbed into a chair once they'd entered Alpha Blaton's office. His door was open, but he asked Lilia to shut it behind her. Alpha Blaton set som documents into a folder, then placed it in a drawer in his desk.

His full attention was now on them.

"I just wanted to do a welfare checkup...make sure everything is alright with you, see if you need anything, etc. Alpha Luke has kept me updated on your progress, Lev. You're doing great," he praised.

Lilia's heart dropped a little when he told her what this little meeting was about.

"We're doing good, we have enough of—everything, thanks to you. I will be grateful for the rest of my life," Lilia swore. It had been weeks since they'd arrived, but she was still in awe that they'd gotten so lucky.

"I'm glad to hear that, Lilia, and my door is always open if there's anything you need. Please don't be afraid to ask." Well, when he put it like that, how could Lilia not ask?

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