Chapter 21

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Here's where things start to really get crazy! Hope you guys are enjoying this!


"Alright, Lev, we're going to work on your jaw today. Do you want Lilia to do it like last time?"

Alpha Luke finished massaging Lev's leg and moved towards his face. Lev grunted with his eyes towards his mate who smiled and stepped forward.

"Lilia, put your hands beneath his ears...yes, like so...move it gently this way and then back," Alpha Luke worked her through what to do then moved to a cabinet in the corner.

"Does this feel okay?" Lilia whispered to him. Her breath hit his face and he moved his feet in response.

"He's good, Lilia. Lev I'm going to start working on your hands now, alright?"

Lev's progress was astonishing to both her and Alpha Luke. They were able to start adding weights to strengthen his legs, and because of the power of his wolf, he gained strength quickly. Alpha Luke told them Lev might walk by the end of the week!

After three weeks of being here Lilia could finally see her family beginning to flourish. Kate made some friends through rehab and now that they had regular access to food she had gained the weight her body desperately needed.

Johanna went along with Kate everywhere because that's what she'd done practically her entire life. It was hard to break that routine, but Johanna made friends with Kate's friends as well. Lilia was glad they had other people than each other to rely on.

"Okay! You've done great today Lev. Do you think you're up for some talking today?"

Lilia removed her hands from Lev's face and watched him think of a response. Most of the time it was just long "ooohs," and, "aaahs," but she was glad he was even getting there. She couldn't imagine how sore it must feel.

"Aaahh," he muttered. That was Lev's way of saying yes. Lilia had to fight back a chuckle because she didn't want him to feel embarrassed, but it was just so cute!

As Lev and Alpha Luke worked on talking, Lilia's attention turned towards Alpha Blaton entering the room quietly. She knew Alpha Luke and her mate had heard them but they kept their attention focused.

Instead of going towards his mate, Alpha Blaton moved to stand next to Lilia.

"How's he doing?"

"Good. A little ahead of schedule," Lilia smiled. She was proud of him.

"Quick question—have you asked Lev how old he is?" Alpha Blaton questioned. Lilia drew into herself for a moment, embarrassed.

"No. I haven't even thought about it."

"I think he's one of the original North American Lycans," Alpha Blaton rushed. Lilia had no clue what he was talking about. The education in her pack had been way below average.

Alpha Blaton tried to lead her out of the room to talk privately but Lev's loud, gargled yell stopped him in his tracks. Lilia rushed over to show him he wasn't leaving and could see he was clearly in pain.

"He's overdone it," Alpha Luke said, "I need to check for bleeding—help sit him up."

Alpha Blaton was the only one with the strength besides Alpha Luke, and even then it took both of them to lift him up. The doctor was called in to check out Lev's vocal cords.

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