Chapter 23

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   "No. Fucking. Way. You. Bitch!" That was the first thing I heard waking up, right before I was tackled off my bed and landing on the hard, cold floor.

I yelped at the impact.

Squeals of delight echoed around my room as I yank the covers off of me. I scowl and growled, "What the fuck?!"

Alice, Robin, Stacy, Roxy, and Jasmine have their best innocent faces on but I could see right through them. Fuck, now I'm gonna die. I sure as hell am not gonna stay with these lunatics. But I guess I gotta stay, they are family, after all. Besides, they wouldn't allow me to leave. Sadly.

"You're marked!" Roxy screamed like an excited little girl.

"No shit, Sherlock," I snap. She giggled, slightly blushing.

"How did it happen?" Jasmine gasped, eyes widening as big as saucers with curiosity.

"Last night on our date I asked him to." Obviously, people! "I'm glad I did, because now everyone will know that I'm taken. Especially those other perverted male wolves."

"How did it feel?" I looked over at Stacy who was grinning knowingly; she was just teasing me. Rolling my eyes, I quickly hop up from the floor.

"Poor little thing," Robin snickers, "now you'll most likely be in Heat in a couple of days, and who knows how long it'll last."

Groaning I go take a shower, getting as far away from them as I possibly can. But truth be told, I was nervous about going into Heat, though. I'm pretty sure everybody knows what a female werewolf being in Heat means. If not then I'll do the honors of explaining it to you. Any unmated female goes through a process called the 'Heat' in order for her body to prepare itself for her mate. Even if the female decides to not wait for her one true love – sleeping with other males, to put it simply – then it still won't take the pain away except for a tiny bit. But when you do end up finding your mate, whether you're marked or not, in a couple of days or weeks, depending on be couple, the female goes in Heat to speed up the mating process between the couple.

Now, if I don't mate with Vincent when I go in Heat, then both of us will be suffering. The truth is, I wasn't afraid to give myself to Vincent. I was afraid because I wasn't experienced and he was. With his godlike looks he probably had a different girl every night. That thought made rage boil my skin.

I was so locked in my own thoughts, I didn't realize that Bruce was inside of my head until he made himself known by yelling, 'Congrats!' and nearly made me jump out of my skin when I heard him.

'Bruce, don't do that, dumb ass!'

He chuckles. 'Come outside, it feels like I haven't had a decent talk with you in a long time.'

'I know, I miss you. We hardly do anything now and I hate it.'

'Me too. But I get it, you have a mate,' Bruce said as if that explained everything.

Pushing my hair back from my face, I shake my head. 'Just because I have a mate doesn't mean that I can just ignore you. I feel like such a bad person.'

'Ellie, stop blaming yourself. None of this is your fault, so that's enough. I don't like it when you do that and you know it.'

I sigh, rolling my eyes as I cave in, defeated. 'Fine, I'm sorry.'

'Good. Now, I want something to tell you.'

I wait and wait until finally I ask, 'Well . . . ?'

'Just hurry up in the shower. I'll be downstairs,' Bruce grumbles.

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