Chapter 8- You Keep Me Sane

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Serena pitched the idea of holding our study sessions at her house. I liked the idea. I mean it was small, yes, but there would not be surprise visitations from my dad or any yelling matches between my parents. It was also going to be an important study session too. I had a big math test the next and Serena had a big biology test too. I have been doing okay in my grades this year, but I wanted to really make all my averages above 95%. A 90 was not going to cut it anymore.

Serena's house was a little farther away. Her neighbourhood was a 20 minute car ride from here and every day, she either walked for an hour or took the bus alone. I wonder how she gets through the day and still smiles.

After school, Serena waits for me at the front steps, leaning on the pole. As I walk out, she calls me. "Hey! Over here"

I walk closer and see her holding a bus pass, "Lookie here" she said to me. "You are taking the bus with me today". She hands me the pass and I smile and open my umbrella.

It had been raining hard all day. The fat droplets of water hit my umbrella with much force. It was almost as if the rain's goal was to make everyone wet. We walk towards the bus stop and enter the rectangular vehicle.

After thirty minutes of riding the bus, we reach our stop. I follow Serena's lead as we enter the neighbourhood. It was vaguely familiar. I had been here at night, but it looked completely different in the morning. The light made way and showed how tinier and un-kept this neighbourhood was. We reach our destination.

Serena enters first and makes her presence known to the lady. "IM HOME!"

The lady's head bops up from the couch, "WHO'S THAT?"

"My friend. You've met her before." Serena reasons as we place our bags on the chairs nearby. "She's going to study with me, so we will be down here cause my room is too small."

"DON'T CARE!" the lady yells back.

The TV volume was loud. Almost deafening. The lady did not turn it down for Serena either. She rolls her eyes and tells me to take a seat at the dining table. We start to study. The sound was distracting. 10 minutes at it and we look at each other, knowing that it was too much noise. Sorry she mouthed at me, and I reply back that it was okay.

Things did not turn for the better. Serena's siblings came down and started to play. Loudly. They were yelling something about a rocket shit and then the lady starts to get angry.

"HEY! SHUT UP!" the lady yelled across the room.

"We are hungry" the little boy murmured, looking sad.

"WELL YOU HEARD HIM SERENA" the lady yelled in our direction.

"Come on. I'm trying to study here." Serena pleaded.


Serena gets up, whispering under her voice while rolling her eyes. I follow her as she prepares mac and cheese. An hour had passed and all that was accomplished was dinner. It tasted good, even though it was a Kraft meal. Nevertheless, it was dinner. The kids ate up two bowls while I just had some of Serena's.

After cleaning up, we try to go back to studying but it was too loud. The lady did not care at all. Serena weighed the options in her head and opted that small space was better than loud. She begins to collect her things and tells me to do the same.

We enter her room. It looked pleasing to the eye, unlike the rest of the house. It was obvious that she took special care of her room.

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