Chapter 10- The Break Up

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Serena leaves after we continue with our homework. As I watch TV I hear the door open. It is my dad. I call for my mom.

"Mom! Dad is here."

My mom enters as a pair of well-dressed people enters my house.

"Lorraine you have been ignoring my calls to get the papers signed. So I figured we settle this now." My dad said, taking a seat on the dining table and motioning for the pair to do the same.

"I brought our lawyers to get this done in a civilized manner" my dad continues.

My mom takes a seat at the table as well, "Wow. You want civil. Civil, when you've slept with all of your secretaries. Civil my ass."

The male lawyer turns to my mom, "Mrs. Wu. The cheating will be addressed. Don't worry."

The female lawyer whispers to my dad.

"And I'm guessing you are sleeping with her too." My mom says, her volume increasing.

The lawyer and my dad look away, making my mom scoff.

They continue to dispute about everything. The house, the business, the vacation cabin, even the cutlery. Finally it came down to me.

"Absolutely not. Sole custody? You must be kidding" my dad says, his tie all crooked and his hair a mess from the hours at the dining table.

My mom appeared to look the same, replying. "No I am not."

"She's my daughter too. It's not like I abuse her or hurt her." My dad reasoned.

"That is true Mrs. Wu. Your husband does not pose a threat to Alex." The male lawyer says to my mom quietly.

"Why?" my mom turns, looking my dad straight in the eye. "I bet he doesn't even know her birthday."

"This is ridiculous. Alex was my idea. I tried to save our marriage when it was still salvageable with her. She helped... kind off. Alex deserves to have both parents in her life."

My mom smiles, her plan had worked.

My dad turns to me, a shocked girl who found out she wasn't made from love, but as a failsafe.

"Oh you sneaky, conniving, bit-" he says with an angry face.

"Well, I'm sure the judge can decide that." My mom says while she reveals her voice recorder. "I think we should leave Alex up to a judge. But everything else is fine with me. As a gift, you can keep the cutlery."

My mom walks out, going back to her room while my dad scoffs. He does up his tie, fixes his hair and shows the lawyers out, looking defeated the entire time.

I walk into my room, with the raw realization that my parents never wanted me. I was their experiment. A test run to see if their marriage would work, which it didn't. I begin to sob, and the sobbing turned to crying, and the crying turned to pain. I was hurt. Deeply hurt.

The next day I stay in bed. I receive a million calls from Jess and Serena.

The day after, I continue to stay in bed.

My mom comes into my room with my favourite beef noodle soup.

"Hey honey. You've been staying in your room for two days. You need to eat and then start to catch up on school work."

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