Chapter 6

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Today, Freshman year of college, 19

I'm opening a box and pulling out picture frames when Trevor, Liam and Bash return from the truck. They each have another box and Cassidy follows them with a three drawer container of my clothes, while Carter is carrying my desk chair and lamp. I'm moving into my dorm today. Four hours away from my friends and family..well besides my boys.

This feels real now. I'm on my own and living alone. No one can barge in my room or "borrow" my clothes. I'll be alone with my boys all the the time with no interruptions. I sneak glances at them while they open boxes and start pulling my belongings and decor out. Things changed over the summer. Our relationship is different now, it's evolving into something else and I'm not sure how to feel about it.

It started the night we went to my first high school party...

I had been drinking for the first time and I was pretty buzzed. I felt confident and sexy and my boys were touching me nonstop, holding my hand, kissing my head and giving me little caresses over my swim suit clad bare skin. I felt warm and fuzzy and I wanted to rub myself all over them in a giant puppy pile.

Their touches were hot and I was burning up the entire night. We left Ella there to hangout with her friends and we went home to swim in the privacy of my backyard without all of the loud, wild teenagers that were starting to get on my nerves. Carter and Cassidy were out with friends so we were alone. We were used to being alone and all of our parents never minded it, they trusted us. After the first couple years of us being inseparable the adults adjusted to the idea that we would never be able to part again and where the boys went I went and vice versa.

Bash and Liam were in the house making pizzas while Trevor and I floated around the pool. I was on my back floating while Trevor's hand supported my lower back to keep me afloat. I was still feeling the effects of the alcohol and it made me brave. I kept looking at him because he was so freaking hot. Trev is my bad boy...well he looks like one. He is tall, dark and handsome and as I stared at him I just felt lucky that he was mine and he was here touching me and not one of the other girls from the party.

His lips were plump and the bottom one had piercings on both sides called snake bites. That night wasn't the first night I thought about sucking on his lips or biting them. My feelings had been changing over the course of Senior year. My boys were not boys anymore. They were men and my body felt the effects of that change. They were handsome and strong and really really sexy. I started being more affectionate with them and returning the touches, hand holds and sweet forehead kisses.

"You okay?" Trevor asked as I continued to memorize the features of his face. I smiled and felt my face warm at the fact that he was just watching me daydream about his lips.

"Mmhmm I feel really good." I know my smile was huge and he returned it with a grin of his own. He swept hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.

"I'm glad you had fun, but I really prefer enjoying you by myself. This is much better." He winked at me and I dropped my body into his hand to stand up. He helped me right myself until I was standing in front of him. I was on my tip toes, as the water was too deep to stand flat. He had a hand on either side of my hip and still had a small smile on his face.

"What are you thinking about beautiful? You're awfully quiet."

"Kissing you." I blurted out and then slapped a hand over my mouth. He grabbed my hand to pull it away from my face.

"You want to kiss me?" He asked in a whisper. I looked up to see his face filled with shock and his eyes a size too big. I thought maybe I shouldn't have said that. Maybe I misread the signs and he didn't want to kiss me? He kissed me every day on every other part of my face, how is my mouth that different? I was getting warmer from embarrassment so I covered my face with both hands.

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