Chapter 35

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I'm disappointed she didn't make any of her men bleed, but I'm relieved Mia found the courage to get up and go with us to the hearing. It was very quick and the judge served the sentence swiftly and without mercy.

Drew will spend life in prison, as attempting to rape a female is one of the most horrendous offenses. All of the guards on duty in Mia's building the day of the attack were fired and Joe was demoted. It sounds as if the school is even looking to hire a new security firm to handle the female's dorms specifically. News has gotten out about Mia's attack, her name was never mentioned, but parents across the US are reconsidering sending their daughters to this school now.

The judge requested I stay after the hearing and he questioned why I asked for Drew to be transported to a venue called "Hot Shots." The judge raised his eyebrows, but I informed him it was for "closure" purposes. A couple officers agreed to transport him eagerly (I think they knew what the venue was), and the judge just told me I couldn't cause fatal wounds.

Drew didn't look to or address Mia once, and I was so fucking thankful because one of her boys would have probably been joining Drew in lockup if he did. I was proud to see them hold their heads high to support Mia. They were sure and steady and eased her nerves. It just validated my decision to give them their gift this afternoon.

I inform the girls that we have an errand to run and Mia agrees to get some baking supplies so her and Cassidy can try new recipes they found in an old cookbook from their mom. I'm glad Cassidy came with me, I think Mia needs some sister time

"Carter." Mia's voice snaps my head up from where I wait for the boys to change out of their dress clothes.

"Yes?" I answer with a very sweet voice.

"Where are you taking them? The last time you took them you returned them to me in different shades of purple."

The twins' dad laughs.

"I got them a present. They've been good lately, yes?"

"Yeah..." She says warily.

"Great!" I clap. "We are going on a man date, be back soon!" I wave and the boys file past one by one kissing her head. We rush out before she can ask another question.

We pile into Trevor's truck. Liam turns to me, "Hot Shots is a paint ball place, isn't it?"

"Yup," I say joyfully while rubbing my hands together like we are going to the buffet.

We arrive at my venue of choice and the officers escort the boys' present through the back entrance of the outdoor course. I called first and arranged this, the owner's only request was that he got to watch. My justice league keeps growing!

Trevor, Liam and Bash get their guns and line up on a spray painted red line. Their victim is a few yards away. His hands are cuffed, but his feet aren't. There are officers at every exit, but this man is so out of shape he's not going to make it very far anyway. He was not given a helmet or chest plate like I so kindly offered Mia's men on our justice date.

"Avoid his head and eyes. If he looks like he's going to die then stop. The judge told me I couldn't kill him." I pout as I inform the males lined up ready to shoot the shit out of the man who dared to touch their female.

"What the fuck!!" Our esteemed guest yells.

"Good afternoon Drew, welcome to.." My grand introduction is cut off when Trevor shoots him in the knee cap, bright sparkly pink paint blooming on his pants.

"Fuck you! You guys can't fucking do this! You're crazy!!" Ugly Katniss Everdeen yells before I attempt to release him into the hunger games.

"Like I was saying. Welcome. We are the justice league." I pause for dramatic effect. "These are Mia's men." I gesture to them on the line.

They are bouncing on their toes and smiling.. I almost shed a tear, it's a beautiful sight, my little boys growing up. I clear my throat emotion clogging it.

"These are Mia's males. I'm sure you remember them. They are here to take justice on her behalf. She loves pink sparkly shit. My only advice is run."

I say it calmly enough, but my boys see it for what it is.. their permission to start. Liam and Bash's guns go off at the same time. Drew takes a pink paintball to nut and one to the throat before he realizes he's in deep shit. He turns and runs as fast as his little chubby legs will allow as the boys slink into the obstacle course like the predators they are.

I sniffle and wipe a tear. Best. Day. Ever.

Bestie BoysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora