Chapter 8

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After we explore the campus and find a pretty cool sushi place to stuff our faces we slowly make our way back to the dorms. Mia's hand is in mine and the weather is perfect. There are big trees giving us shade from the setting sun and the path is peaceful. I have a brother on both sides and this feels like a really good start to our future.

I'm really eager to have Mia to ourselves. No parents or siblings, just us. My ego is feeling pretty large after Carter introduced us as her network and that got my mind thinking overtime about our future and how excited I am to get there. I'm trying to be patient and "enjoy the journey," as Bash says, but I just want my fucking girl to be mine permanently.

I want a house where I can wake up to her everyday and fall asleep with her every night. I got spoiled with all of the sleepovers we had this summer. I'm not sure how any of us are going to survive with the curfews and no overnight rules. Bash and I walked by her window a couple times to see if we could map a path in. There are little balconies about 4 feet wide, just enough to take two steps outside and open the windows. I think we could easily scale the balconies to get up to her, she's only on the 3rd floor. Trevor laughed when Bash and I passed her window for a second time because he knew exactly what we were doing and said he looked himself and feels confident we can get up without the security seeing us.

I'm really bummed she didn't go for the house idea. We could be walking home together right now instead of heading to drop her off at her dorm. When disappointment creeps in I just remind myself we have always agreed she would have every experience she wanted that we could give her. This is a really great experience, for her to be in her own dorm, but it still stings she didn't want to live with us. I'm also not fond of the idea of us trying out group sex in a small ass dorm bed. We had a california king in the apartment above the gym so we could all cuddle. That is the kind of bed we need for group sex..and now I'm getting a hard on. Dammit why does my mind always go to sex.

"Liam you're squeezing my hand off!" Mia uses the hand I'm not holding to pry my fingers off. Bash uses that moment I've let go to steal her from me. Oops I think my group sex imagery was making me a little tense.

"Mia thief, give her back," I whine and reach for her. She squeals and abandons Bash for Trevor. She runs into his arms and he picks her up bridal style so neither of us can steal her back.

"No fighting boys, thems the rules." Mia spits her tongue out at us. Trevor leans down to talk into her ear,
"Put that tongue away before I decide to taste it." Mia looks up at him with wide eyes then reaches forward and sucks his bottom lip into her mouth. Trevor misses a step and nearly drops her, but Bash is there steadying the both of them.

"Fuck," Trevor groans before he seals his lips to hers. I look around and don't see anyone near us so I let them have their moment. I don't like letting others see Mia like this. She's our sexy girl, but I don't want anyone else seeing her sucking one of our faces off. My dick is harder then it's ever been right now and there's no hiding it. I turn to Bash who's cock is jutting out just the same.

"I love this, I really do, but can we take it to the dorm room? I want some." Bash pouts as he stands in front of them. Trevor is equally as hard and I bust out laughing at the image I'm staring at right now. The three of them look to me like I'm crazy. I'm laughing so hard I can only point at their dicks.

"You're dicks are literally almost touching. You're inches away from crossing swords." I'm wheezing at this point and Bash looks down and starts laughing with me. Mia pushes on Trevor's chest to be put down and looks at all three of our crotches. She looks intrigued and stares a whole minute more before looking up at my face. I'm grinning from ear to ear and her pretty cheeks flush pink. I put my hand out for her to take and she comes to me easily.

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