Stiles Imagine =1=

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Requested by: creative_writer_1998


I was running as fast as I could. Pumping my legs faster than freaking Sonic the Hedgehog. The three wolves were gaining on me, and fast. I am merely human except for the fact I am a witch. Well, I mean that not technically human but it's not quite supernatural either. I see one lunge for me as I quickly dodge the attack. But that left me vulnerable for the other two wolves chasing me. One jumped onto me, slashing my torso in the process.

Hi, I'm Y/N. You're probably wondering how I got here, well, it's a long story.  I was just taking my normal trail through the woods when all of a sudden these three werewolves just come and start chasing me. So I made the obvious connection that I was their next feast.

Now that I am weak and unguarded they began circling their prey. Me. I'm their prey.  I don't know if I have the strength to create a field in time. I begin attempting when all of a sudden the wolves run away. Leaving me shaking on the ground wondering...

What the hell just happened?

Flashback Over

I am now walking along the side of the road towards my home, Beacon Hills. I have been walking for about an hour now and my legs keep dragging along until I can barely feel them. I eventually sit down by the side of the road. I HAVE to heal my self now or I will die a slow painful death. I have just enough power to heal the main wounds. 

But this road is basically on the edge of town, I don't want to risk being caught in public because I'd have to move. Again. But I don't really have a choice.

It's either death or risk.

I decided to take the risk, it seems more reasonable.

Just as the aura from my hands begins to glow, an old rugged blue Jeep pulls over behind me. Great now I have to move, I just got here. I haven't made friends yet. But I guess that makes it a bit better.

The apparently very attractive boy hops out of the Jeep and comes to "rescue" me. He kneels down and checks my wounds.

"Come on, I can get you to the hospital, I have a connection there," he said kindly trying to be of assistance.

"But you saw, you know I can do it myself. Why are you not scared?"

"Because believe it or not, I've seen worse."

The kind boy smiled at me, making me feel safe. But I can get connected because I will be gone within days.

"I can take you to my friend, he can help you believe it or not. I'm Stiles."

"Y/N, my name's Y/N. Who is your friend?"

"Someone who knows a lot about the supernatural."

"I can't have anybody knowing who I am, not even you. I have to go," I say trying to get up but struggling.

"You may have heard of him, Scott McCall."

I stop dead in my tracks, the one and only Scott McCall is who I came here for. I have no one and I heard he was building a pack. I could have support.

"Can you take me to him?"

"Sure, no problem, come on."

"Hey, Stiles?"


"I hate to ask you this since we just met but I can't really walk."

"Oh yeah! Sorry," I said picking me up and helping me into the passenger seat. I think I found a final home.


Sorry it's late and sucks, I thought I published it last night but Wattpad sucks.

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