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Blue jumped as a pair of hands gripped onto his waist, thumbs kneading his muscle. He placed his hands on the hands and exhaled.

He put his head into the person's chest and smiled, "Hi, Nightmare."

"Hello. What are you doing over here by yourself, hm?"

Blue bit his bottom lip, glancing away from Nightmare, and shoved a small blueberry pastry into his mouth.

"As divine," Nightmare held out the word 'divine' slightly as he pressed a kiss to his cheek, "As your anxiety and loneliness feels, I think it'd make me a pretty shitty partner if I left you here all alone."

Blue snorted, leaning against Nightmare's chest, swallowing his food. "So what're you going to do then? To make me feel better, my darling guardian?"

Nightmare rolled his eyes and grabbed Blue by his hands. He then led him out to the dance floor. There were a couple of other people dancing, but it wasn't particularly organized.

"You're going to make me dance with you?" Blue chuckled softly as Nightmare spun him around.

"The orchestra is going to play a waltz next. Do you remember how to do the waltz?"

Blue rolled his eyes, "As if I could forget, you made me dance so often to make sure it was perfect. I could barely stand after a whole week of that!"

Blue placed his right hand on Nightmare's shoulder as Nightmare put a hand on his waist, as they had done a million times. It wasn't a new sensation, not in the slightest, but Blue still felt like it was incredibly intimate. He felt so warm when Nightmare touched him, and that feeling never dwindled or got less intense the more they did it.

Nightmare snickered, pressing a kiss to Blue's forehead. "That was so fun. I taught you all sorts of dances, a little bit of ballet too. You caught on quite quickly."

"Only because I knew it'd make you stop!" Despite the exasperation in his voice, he was still being playful and teasing. The somewhat sly, goofy grin on his face told Nightmare that.

"The faster I got through your strict, military-style of teaching me how to dance, the faster I could sit down."

"Oh uh-huh. You just loved making me carry you around when your feet hurt too bad."

Blue opened his mouth to retort, but the orchestra started and Nightmare whisked him away.

They swayed to the beat of the music as other people began to group up, dancing in time, just like them.

The tempo stayed consistent and easy to follow, which eased Blue's anxiety. He wasn't the best with music and certainly wasn't very good at finding the tempo. Of course, that wasn't his job. Since Nightmare was leading, he was the one who would find the tempo and guide him along. But Blue thought that was silly, and always did his best to find it as well.

Nightmare must've requested the orchestra to play something that he could dance to easily. He would have no issues with this song.

Blue's eyes darted from the floor, making sure he didn't step on Nightmare's feet. His eyes also flashed back up to Nightmare's face, looking back into his deep teal eyes.

Nightmare's gaze didn't move, his eyes simply watching his boyfriend. Blue felt his face heat up. He wasn't flustered, just uncomfortable. Oh, how he hated when people, Nightmare in particular, watched him.

It made him feel so exposed. Which was Nightmare's intention, of course. To make him squirm.

"You're the worst."

A small squeak came out of him as Nightmare brought their faces close, his face flushed even deeper. His eyes were wide as they darted across the room, back and forth and back and forth, avoiding looking at Nightmare.

"Look at me."

Blue obeyed, of course. When Nightmare requested something, who was Blue to deny him?

Before Blue could even breathe, Nightmare kissed him. The music didn't stop, and neither did Nightmare. Even as their lips were locked, Nightmare didn't stop dancing and moving with the music. Blue struggled to keep up, he just wanted to stand still and kiss!

The moving added a layer of complication to it. Blue was always two or three steps behind, no matter how he tried to catch up. The kiss was taking all of his attention, leaving the rest of him in the dust.

Nightmare brought him closer, deepening the kiss and causing his knees to buckle under him. Nightmare caught him, of course, and it took him a second to regain his footing.

"It's always a pleasant surprise to remember how easily simple actions like a kiss reduces you to shambles." Nightmare whispered into Blue's ear as he helped him up.

Blue shoved Nightmare's face away, playfully angry. They resumed their dance, Blue finding the tempo quickly, even before Nightmare began to lead him.

"I can't help it." Blue leaned into Nightmare's chest. "It just feels so nice."

"I know it does." Nightmare slid his hand up Blue's side to tuck a small piece of his hair behind his ear, "I love driving you nuts. It's...cute."

Blue stood on his tiptoes for a moment to peck a kiss on Nightmare's chin. He was aiming for his lips, but Nightmare wouldn't dare ruin his posture by looking down for a kiss he didn't initiate.

Blue didn't mind though.

"I love you."

The orchestra finished the song as he spoke. Nightmare flicked his nose playfully, grinning.

"I know."

Blue rolled his eyes and walked back to the table with food. Nightmare was almost walking on his heels. Before Blue could grab a snack, Nightmare grabbed a small chocolate treat and shoved it into Blue's mouth.

It was really bitter, and the texture was like a brownie. He bit down on it, and extremely rich and sweet chocolate sauce came out of it. It was an interesting combo of flavors and textures and Blue wasn't sure if he liked it.

He stopped thinking about the treat as Nightmare wrapped his arm around his shoulders and grabbed his face. His face was tilted toward Nightmare, who had bent down slightly at his waist to speak with him closely.

"Thank you for dancing with me." Nightmare whispered into his ear, kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm going to talk with some people, if you feel lonely and anxious again, come and find me. That isn't a suggestion, you will come and stand at my side. Are we clear on that?"

"But what if people talk to me?" Blue whispered back as he swallowed, heart thumping. He didn't mind crowds, but a room full of strangers who knew who he was made him uncomfortable. He had no idea how much any of these people knew about him.

"Take some treats with you. You won't have to say a word."

Blue just nodded and pressed his lips against Nightmare's.

"I love you," Blue said again.

Nightmare smiled, genuinely, at him.

"I adore you just the same."


so it's been 5 million years um. sorry lol.


1181 Words

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz