Virtual Dating

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Blue bit his lip and he changed from outfit to outfit, trying to decide on one that was classy, but not over the top, and not super gay, but just a tad gay.

It was actually somewhat difficult.

He finally settled on a semi-fancy white shirt and pants that he bought from the Able Sisters a while back. He went over to his bunny day vanity and began to play around with hairstyles.

He finally settled on something nice and gay and left his house. He wandered over to his garden that he had set up and picked one of his blue roses.

Blue set down his Switch and pulled out his phone. While shaking immensely, he opened the messenger app and texted Nightmare.


Hey Night!

Can I come over to your island?

Ye. Lemme pull an Elsa and open up the gates.

Blue snickered as he waited for Nightmare's response.


Alright theater nerd, Dodo code is L5UTK come on over.

Blue waddled his way over to the airport and entered in Nightmare's dodo code. As he left his island, he began to have second thoughts.

Was this really a good idea? Was this even going to work?

Blue just shook his head, he had made it this far, he had to keep going.

Blue was shaking as he entered Nightmare's island. He ran out of the airport and met up with Nightmare right outside of it.

"Oooh" A bubble appeared over Nightmare's villager's head.


"What's the occassion?"

Blue took in a sharp inhale.

"I have a"


"For you." Three text bubbles appeared above his own villager's head.


"Will you be my..."

Blue dropped the rose in front of Nightmare.


Nightmare picked up the rose and equipped it, the blue rose appearing on his villager's mouth.

"Ofc you loser"

Blue immediately let out a squeal of pure bliss and fell backward into his bed.

Nightmare dropped a centipede on the ground in front of Blue who picked it up.


"Take care of him"

Blue smiled like a dork at the screen, he hasn't been happier.


Nightmare smirked at the screen, the darkness of his room surrounding him.

"You're such a nerd."

The door opened and the lights turned on which made Nightmare physically hiss and pull a blanket over his head.

"Jeez Night, why do you need it to be so dark in here-" Dream huffed, pushing his glasses up higher on his face.


"Nightmare please-"


"Fine fine..." Dream mumbled as he shut off the lights and closed the door.

Nightmare rolled his eyes and went back to his Switch. He smiled as the two wandered around his island.

Soon enough, they will be together. For real.


They're in coolleg.


Based off current events?

I dunno.

I love the boys.

Also Blue's outfit in ACNH is this because I have too much time on my hands:

Also Blue's outfit in ACNH is this because I have too much time on my hands:

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Sorry it's not the best photo fhfjf


507 Words

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now