Tall and Tiny

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Nightmare is tall, 6'2, or 1.8 (?) meters. He's buff, like, really buff. He has long, wavy, almost braid-like hair that complemented his dark caramel skin so well. He has a little bit of stubby that no matter what he does it looks perfect.

God, he could probably make Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson fall in lobe with him. And I don't think either of them are on the gay spectrum at all.

Dream was...not nearly all that. But he really didn't care. But he was fairly surprised at who Nightmare decided to make his lover.

Nightmare just stared at the tiny person a couple of feet ahead of him.

Blue is tiny. For a guy. 5'4 or 1.6 (?) meters. He is also a fucking twink man. He has pale skin, loads of almost unnoticeable freckles, fluffy, curly, brown hair, and two big blue eyes. He is also filled with the chaotic energy of 1000 suns.

"I want him." Nightmare said simply, shrugging his shoulders.

"What." Dream replied, exasperated.

"I want the blue scarf-wearing twink man."

Dream let out a sigh, "well go get him then, he's not going anywhere."

Nightmare walked over to the tiny being, keeping a straight face the entire time.

"Hey cutie, wanna go commit arson then go do some tax fraud?"

"Only if you marry me afterward."




It's like, 12:30 at night

I'm so tired.

I couldn't get this out of my head so here you are.

I have better stuff in the drafts I promise


259 Words

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now