{3} Drive-Thru Encounter

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Lemon's POV

Charlotte wasn't at school the next day.

"She's gotta be sick," Cathy guessed. "She must be. It would explain everything."

Charlotte was by far the strongest player on the softball team, so it was not surprising that the undefeated team had lost yesterday for the first time that season. Despite barely knowing her, I couldn't dismiss my growing concern for her. During the game yesterday she had looked up at the bleachers with this strange expression on her face.

She almost looked haunted. For a second I thought she was looking up at me. I wish she was.

Cathy probably noticed my expression change because she gave me one of those knowing glances. It was annoying having a friend that knew you so well they could practically read your mind.

"Don't worry about it Lemon," she reassured me. "She's probably just going through some things. She'll come back to school tomorrow as pretty as ever." Cathy continued with a smirk.

I kicked her under the lunch table in response. I loved Cathy but boy could she be loud. As I continued eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich Jackson Matthews, the quarterback of the football team and Cathy's crush, approached our table. I don't think I'd ever talked to him in my life.

"Hey Cathy, hi Lemon," he greeted us, sitting down at our table next to Cathy. I held in a giggle as Cathy's face turned beet red. This was by far the weirdest thing ever.

"Hey Jason," Cathy said indifferently. I remember a couple months ago she had told me if you're talking to your crush you should pretend to forget their name, that way they don't find you out.

I tried to hold in my laughter as Jackson gave her an offended look. "Geez Cathy, I've been in your class for like three years now."

"Oh, haven't noticed," Cathy said, looking at her nails with boredom. Wow, she was good.

"Uh anyway," Jackson continued. "You guys are girls right?"

"Last time I checked, yeah," I replied confused.

"Just making sure," he said. "Do you guys know Charlotte Black?"

"Not really," I answered, trying to hide the change in my voice. "Why?"

"I'm thinking of asking her out to the junior prom," he said, his eyes growing wide from excitement. I felt my insides go numb. "Should I get her flowers? Do girls like that?"

"A girl like Charlotte Black needs more than just flowers," Cathy said, continuing to stare at her nails. " She needs a poster, diamonds, and maybe an acapella group. Do you know where you could get a helicopter?"

"Oh, I can't afford that," Jackson said worriedly.

"Tell that to your Tesla," Cathy responded, irritation spilling into her voice. Yikes. She then turned to me, probably noticing the expression on my face. "Anyway, I don't think Charlotte is that interested in anyone right now. She's a very independent woman."

"Oh, thanks for the advice anyway," said Jackson disappointed. "Well I guess I'll see you guys around!"

"I think not!" Cathy shouted at his retreating form.

"A bit harsh Cathy?" 

"Nah. What was I going to say? Literally what are the odds that both our crushes are destined to be together."

"Close to nothing," I groaned, covering my face with my hands.

"They would be the power couple though," Cathy said honestly.

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