{19} The Publisher

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Important: This section may contain triggers of sexual harassment. 

Lemon's POV

Lemon, you stupid idiot. You kissed her!?

As I quickly fled her apartment, I felt like a complete imbecile. I should have never picked up that call in the first place. The realization that Charlotte never intended to hurt me wasn't helping with my growing sense of uncertainty. It shouldn't have mattered anymore. I was dating Skylar. I loved Skylar. So why was I so confused?

My phone rang suddenly. It was Skylar. I fumbled with my phone, accidentally hitting the end call button. God dammit. I called her again.


"Hey, Lemon! I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place early so I can coach you a bit before you meet with Mr. Stevens. Not that I don't have full confidence in your ability to lay on the charm." I'd completely forgotten my meeting with the famous publisher tomorrow. The thought didn't help with calming my nerves either.

"O-Of course," I stuttered. "Be there in 15." I ended the call quickly. Breathe, I urged myself. I was just confused, and everything would be fine once I reached my girlfriend's apartment. I could do this.


I knocked on her grey door. Skylar appeared in front of me with a bright smile on her face. "Hey stranger!" she exclaimed. Her smile faltered a little upon seeing my expression. "You good, Lemon?"

"Super duper good," I lied. "So what exactly do you have planned for my training today?"

Skylar smiled zealously. "Come and see."

As I entered her tidy place, she gave me a quick peck on the lips. Skylar looked at me with a strange expression on her face. "You're kissing differently," she stated uneasily.

"What?" I asked, apprehension rising inside of me.

"It's probably nothing," Skylar replied, shaking her head dismissively.

"Yeah, that's so strange. Maybe it's the grilled cheese sandwich I had for lunch," I said quickly.


"So... this guy is named Steven, right?" I asked, attempting to change the subject.

"Close. His name is Archibald Stevens. His closest clients call him Archie, but you're not there yet," she continued. "To you, he's Mr. Stevens."

"Got it," I said, nodding.

"You make a fine pupil, Hatfield," Skylar joked, instantly relieving the strange tension between us.

I laughed in response. "Thanks madam, and you make a fine teacher." Skylar giggled. I suddenly remembered what I needed to do. "Sky, I need to make a call for a second, is that okay?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll give you some space," Skylar said, her voice understanding. 

As I dialed Charlotte's number, I felt my heart pound in my chest. It would hurt like hell, but I had to do this. Thankfully, the call went straight to voicemail. I took a breath. "Hey Charlotte, it's Lemon..." I began.


Skylar's soft lips pressed gently into mine, making my heart flutter. Her curly brown hair tickled my face as she leaned over me.

"You're blushing like crazy Lem," she teased, poking my cheek with her finger.

"Shut up," I replied, pulling her in for another kiss.

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