{32} Love, Lemon

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A series of answered letters between Charlotte and Lemon from June to December:

June 14th

Dear Char,

I figured even though we have our weekly Skype sessions, I wanted to see what it would feel like if the letters had worked out. I know that sounds super dorky, but I'm already starting to miss you and it's only been a few days since I left. As you can see, I chose to write you on the 14th because that's your softball number and the first time we really met was in the locker room right before your big game. The rest is history. 

The second I stepped out of the airport, I was instantly surprised by how HOT it was. Like yikes, I should have definitely checked the weather report before I got here. No need for fur coats in France during the summer. As I was making my way to the apartment I'll be staying in for the next 6 months, I saw this woman that I swear looked like you in 20 years. Good news is you'll age very well. The apartment is cramped, and I have two other roommates who are also in the writing program, but it's already starting to feel like home. When we're older, we need to come here together sometime. I have a feeling you'll love it.



July 14th

Dear Lemonade,

Bonjour! See, I'm practically fluent in French now and totally ready to go next summer. I'm so glad you're enjoying your time in Paris! I have compiled a list which I will attach in this letter of every single landmark you have to go to before you leave. Remember to take TONS of pictures. Don't worry, you have 5 more months! Anyways, how's the writing scene going? I heard you'll get the chance to teach English to the younger students there. You're basically the coolest person I know. I miss you so much, but I'm so insanely proud that you're following your dream. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures.

Life is pretty normal here in Miami, or as normal as it can be. Will has started drawing more and more and I swear he's going to give Van Gogh a run for his money someday. My father and his girlfriend broke up a couple days ago, but I think it's for the best. She didn't seem like the type of influence I'd want in Will's life. Honestly, this feels like the longest summer ever. I would say the same thing about last summer, but I was drunk most of the time. I can't wait to be with you again. But until then, stay strong, speak up, and go absolutely wild!



August 14th

Dear Char-latte,

How dare you use that nickname when I specifically told you it was off limits! I forgive you though, but only this once. Guess what? I'm almost halfway through my novel! Under the instruction of all these amazing and multi-talented writers, I feel like my own writing has improved so much. I will try my best to go to all those places you listed, even though there are so many of them. You know I'm supposed to be working on my novel too, right? Also, I agree. I am definitely the coolest person you know.

It's so great that Will is finding his passion. I knew he was a true artist the moment he drew that picture of us together. It was right after our big fight, remember? Actually, it wasn't much of a fight, but rather you being really irritating. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Although I would love to have a fight with you again if it meant I'd get the chance to talk to you. You always get this very professional tone when you're angry and your nose scrunches up a little. It's adorable. Anyways, guess why today is a special day. Congratulations Char, you're 10 months sober! I'm so proud of you and I love you so much. Tell Will I say hi.

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