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Lemon's POV

Winter Break couldn't have come at a more confusing time and as I gazed out of the plane window I simultaneously welcomed and dreaded the thought of going home. Charlotte was also returning to Miami, and I wondered exactly what thoughts were running through her own mind.

I never enjoyed riding airplanes alone. I didn't appreciate being in such close contact with complete strangers, but I was happy that I'd gotten assigned a window seat. As I sat in silence, the older woman beside me observed me with a kind expression on her face. 

"Going to NYU, huh?" she asked, reading the white letters on my college sweater.

"Yes," I responded, attempting to sound independent and self-assured.

"Not ready to go home?" she inquired. Normally I would be slightly annoyed at the sudden barrage of questions, but the opportunity to vent right now was comforting.

"No, I'm not," I replied honestly. "I've just gotten so used to living in New York without my parents. It will definitely be strange to go back. I feel like a little girl all over again." I allowed some things to remain unsaid, like the fact that I'd left home on a bitter note and how much I missed my girlfriend.

"Oh honey, don't worry about it," the woman said reassuringly. "You are not the same person you were before, and your parents will understand it."

I nodded graciously, but it wasn't my parents I was worried about. As I stared at the blue sky and fluffy clouds below, I recalled the day before I left months ago.

"Still no response?" Cathy inquired, as she folded a pair of my jeans and placed it into the suitcase beside her.

"None," I replied, looking downwards in an attempt to hide my pained expression.

"Aw baby," Cathy whispered as she pulled me into a tight hug. "She has no idea what she's missing out on."

"I mean it's Miami," I responded. "The city of hot people."

"Olympia has hot people too!" she protested. "After all, I'm here aren't I?"

We both laughed as I playfully slapped her on the shoulder. "So what's the plan for you?" I asked, surprised that I'd never asked the question before today. "Are you and Jackson going to the same college?"

"Oh, about that," Cathy responded hesitantly. "I'm not going to college."

"You're not?" I asked, surprised. "I thought you wanted to be a lawyer."

"Well, plans change," Cathy shot back, suddenly defensive.

"But what about the future?" I demanded.  

"Jackson's my future," she stated angrily. "Why don't you lay off me Lemon? Not everyone can be as successful as you are. I'm totally fine with my choices."

"Sure you are," I countered. "But people change as well. You can't base your whole life around one person. I'm just worried about you, Cathy."

"Well don't be!" she exclaimed, her voice becoming shrill.

"It's just that you're so smart," I stated calmly. "I don't want you to live your life with regrets. I don't want you to constantly be asking yourself what might've been. You can't stay in your parents' house forever Cathy." 

She suddenly stood up quickly. "I'm pregnant Lemon, okay? I know that's hard for you to hear, but things happen and people need to adapt. I thought out of everyone in my life, you'd be the one to support me. My parents don't even look me in the eye anymore." I opened my mouth to speak, but she waved me off dismissively. "I can't deal with another person judging me, not now. Have a good time at NYU."

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