Cheer captain

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Eventually Zed plops me down outside and as soon as he did I slapped him across the face. "Hey! What was that for?!" Zed pulled a hand to his cheek gently rubbing it. "You picked me up and carried me out here against my will!" I shouted back at him. He shrugged it of and before any of us could've said something Bree came running to us along with Addy.

"Hey! Did you guys hear? Addys going to be tested for cheer captain tomorrow!" I sighed but quickly threw in a smile and congratulated her. It was mine and her dream to be cheer captain when we was younger then Addy got all the attention so I gave up and that is one of the main reasons I started disliking cheer. I hadn't realised that the others were talking until Bree grabbed my wrist as we walked to the library. She soon realised I wasn't paying attention before explaining that we were going to study and Addy would me joining us very soon.

I went straight over to the horror books seen as I was almost finished with the ones I had already read. My hand raked over the books but none picked up my interest so I went to walk over to Bree, she was doing her math homework. As I was walking to her I saw a boy with a book upside down In his hand, was he stupid? I walked past and saw him peek at me so I turned around putting the book the right way up, as soon as I moved the book as saw that it was the cute werewolf boy. His cheeks went light pink as he knew he had been caught as he pushed his head back a bit throwing me an anxious smile as I walked away. Weird.

I went and sat next to Bree and Addy before Bree cried out. "That dog just ate my homework!" And I saw the small werewolf indeed chewing on her homework. "Wynter" The cute boy came around the Corner look at her. "I'm sorry Wyatt." She looked down and she spat the paper out as I slightly pulled away from it. But yet, we was rudely interrupted by a rude Willa. "LIES! These books claim werewolves attacked the settlers when they started it  by taking out moon stone" wow, it's not liked we knew she needs to calm herself. "Sorry we didn't know" Addison replied scared. I mean why would she be scared? Like what would they actually do? If they were going to do something surely they would've done it by now. "There's a lot you don't know" she spat picking up the books before walking off.

"I know they alarm will go off if you don't sign out those books!" She shouted back, I nudged her, why tell her? It's not like they've done anything for us. Willa must of heard Addy because she took her necklace of as she launched it at the alarms as a bolt of blue electricity ran through it but then stopped as she took it back. I hadn't realised my mouth wide open till Wyatt came Down to mine and Addy's level as I realised she also had her moth wide open. "Our necklaces have a way with electronics" he whispered in Addisons ear sending chills through her body. For gods sake! For once could she not get the boy? I looked at them smiling at each other before getting out of my seat. "I'll see you later Addy" I walked out of the library not looking back but I could feel the eyes on my back. I ran to the girls changing rooms and sat there. I had a lesson but didn't go. I sat there as a lone tear rolled down my face. Addy was this perfect image whilst I was the image which had been threw on the flor stepped on then still carried around but no one cared about. I was tired of her getting everything she wanted. I was tired of trying to do everything they wanted me to do.

I ended up staying here the entire lesson because before I knew it the cheerleaders walked in going to get changed. I pulled my cheer outfit out getting into it and waited for the girls to go so I could tie my wig up without worrying someone would walk in seeing it out of place and walked out. I saw the entire team with worry in their eyes as they looked at the benches. Addy was their and turned around and so did I. There sat the wolves. "Im sorry but this place is reserved for cheerleaders only..." the small werewolf stood up with her foot on the seat. "Just get us to leave" Then I saw the cute werewolf boy stand up beside her. "Wynter, Show some respect." He looked over the cheer squad as I looked down I felt his eyes linger on me before Addison perked up. "I don't want you to leave... come join us. Show us what you can do." At first some of the cheer squad was weary but Addison smiled at them and the loosened up. We started on the dance as I did what I had to do not paying attention to the wolves. I did a few moves walking to the back as I was then helped up and threw into the air. I landed in some arms, very strong ones but they were different from the other boys'. I looked up and saw that i was in the arms of Wyatt. I blushed slightly as he smirked before putting me down. My legs felt like jelly as he stared into my eyes.

Addy ran over to us making us break eye contact. "You guys are like naturals!" He looked at her as Bucky came in the room. "Well done Addy! And with the werewolves on our side I'm sure to win the election." He said with a huge smile. "Well if you continue with that I'm sure you'll win." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes getting a few smirks from the wolves. "Bucky I thought that maybe we could move on from winning and open an outreach program." The words struck me. I had told her that a while ago when I was actually interested and now she was using it as her own idea? What was she doing? I could feel my fist curl into balls at my side as a werewolf erupted into a coughing fit and all eyes were on wynter. Her knees buckled form underneath her as Wyatt rushed over to help her. She finally stopped as Bucky started again. "Cheer is about what I say and it's about winning" he smiled, "and your going to make an amazing cheer captain!" Everyone applauds her and Wyatt grabs her hands. "Addison your a leader but of something much more then cheer." The looked at each other smiling when I saw Zed in the door way looking at them. "Zed!" I shouted running over, I kind of new how he felt and I couldn't bare standing there anymore.

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