Chapter 1

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Have you ever seen your life flash before your eyes? Seen all the good memories with you and your friends and loved ones just pass in a few split seconds before the moment comes where you know you'll die? Where you determine if it's going to be a quick or slow and painful death?

Well then, same. I risk my life on a daily bases saving others, strangers, kids, families, anyone my team and I can help ranging from terrorist attacks to bombs to pretty much anything. The training that I received a few years ago allows me to do that, it allows me to be the best person that I can be, if I could go back to the day I joined the military I wouldn't change a single thing; the only thing I would've changed in my journey is to have looked after her better. To have kept her safe.

But life had other plans with both of us...

"Tell us where he is!" The asshole pressed his gun to my temple right after giving me another hit to the stomach letting me hunch over in pain,

"I don't know where he is. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you shit,"

"Maybe you need some motivation?" Whistling, his goons opened the door on the wall next to us where they dragged me through only for my eyes to go wide at the sight, Jennifer bruised and beaten, knowing what was about to happen.

"Ah see, I told you boys she's his soft spot," My body was rigid when they placed Jennifer on a chair in front of me,

"Now, let's try again," He said and held a gun to her head. Her face was emotionless as she looked at me, but I knew her better than that, she was afraid, very afraid.

"I told you I don't know where he is!"

"Where is Phillip!"

"I don't know! They never told me!

"Bullshit!" He shouted and smirked at me before looking at Jennifer and cocking the gun, putting his finger on the trigger,

"Last chance," My eyes were wide and I was screaming at them to let her go, tears were rolling down her cheeks but when I didn't say anything he wanted to hear, the disgusting excuse of a man pulled the trigger...


"Come on! I will let your entire team do extra laps tomorrow if you stop now!" Our commanding team officer shouted at us,

"How many do I still need?" I asked him with seriousness as I slammed the glass object that was in my hand on the table,

"Four! Boy, I swear if you let us lose I will never let you live it down,"

"I said I'll let us win tonight and I meant it, give it here," I said and grabbed the shooters from him before downing all four looking the other team in the eyes and smirking when I threw it on the floor,

The crowd that had gathered a while ago were cheering at the victory while the other team were sulking along with their commander,

"Pay up boys," I laughed and stood up, swaying on my feet before making my way out. I'll get my money tomorrow morning before training,

"Dude!" I heard Calleb's voice from behind me. Turning around I saw him running out of the bar just as I was about to get into the cab to go back to base,

"Yeah man, what's up?"

"General wants to see us in his office tomorrow. The two of us won't be training,"

Frowning at the American in front of me, I turned around to face him completely, "And why's that?"'

"I don't know the details, I just wanted to inform you before you go back, he said something about a new recruit though,"

"What do you know about him?"

"All that I know is that it's not a... him,"


"Yeah, General will explain everything tomorrow though, enjoy the rest of your night, O'Connell. See ya later,"

"Same to you," I said and got into the waiting cab. He dropped me off at the front of the base letting me walk the rest of the way to my apartment,

A girl? Why would they appoint a new girl now? I mean sure we have females around here but not a lot, and usually, they don't bring someone new in at around this time. And why did the General want to see me and Calleb? We don't deal with these situations...

Storm Of PainOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara