chapter 21

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"On your left," I told my uncle as we narrowly missed a missile,

"How are they so accurate?"

"Heat sensors!" General Maree shouted as we spun around in the air to avoid getting hit,

"How are we going to avoid that!?"

"I've got an idea, but all of you will need to hold on tight,"

"Just do it!" They shouted at me when the jets started to wiz around us. Looking over at my uncle, it looked like he caught on to what I wanted to do. He was looking at me hesitantly but nodded nevertheless. I nodded back at him and waited for the missile to turn around and come towards us when it finally did, I yanked the jet around, flying straight for the attacking one before pulling up last minute, letting the missile lock onto their jet instead. Doing the same for two other ones we managed to take down three of them until they seemed to have caught on with what we were doing,

"The ocean, fly over that-"

"And let the missiles go into the water. How are we going to do that?" I asked but headed for the ocean that was a few meters away,

"We pull up last minute," My uncle answered me and he grabbed the yoke along with me. We waited for three other missiles to lock onto us before diving with the nose straight down to the water beneath us. We ignored the screams of protest in the back and continued diving until we pulled up last minute. We shot back into the sky without the missiles on our tail, heading for the three other jets left.

Two of them came at us from either side of our jet, so we waited until they were close until we dived once more, letting the two buggers crash into each other.

"What about the last one?" My uncle asked when we turned to look for the last jet, "Where is he going?"

"Probably going to warn my father. We can't have that..."

"Well, how are we going to take him down?"

"The missiles under the water?"

"Would that even work?"

"If it's still close enough to the surface, probably, we could try." With that we headed back down to where they fell into the water, flying impossibly close to the water until we saw one back on our radar.

"Yes!" I cheered and headed straight for the escaping jet, pushing the speed until we were close enough to him. In a matter of seconds, we made a sharp turn to the left, letting the missile lock onto the other jet's heat signature, charging at it until it exploded.

My uncle and I slumped into our chairs, letting out a heavy sigh before starting to laugh when nothing else appeared on the radar.

"Gentlemen, without further ado, we're back on track to Portugal!" I said cheering as I put the jet on autopilot, walking to the back with my uncle hot on my heels. "That was fantastic," He chuckled pulling me in for a hug, "I would happily fly with you again when the time comes. Your brother was one lucky person, having you as his co-pilot," my uncle smiled sadly at me before going to sit down,

"Thanks, uncle Erick,"

"Erick, do you even know?"

"Know what?"

"Your nephew is in the hospital. He's alive and recovering,"

"Are you serious!? Since when!? Why didn't anyone tell me?" He looked around shocked,

"I thought you knew?"

"Jennifer, I've been held in captivity for at least a month, how would I have known?"

"That long? How didn't anyone notice?"

"That's what your father does. He lets people disappear without people thinking it's suspicious. I found out about your mother, about what he did to you, what he did to your child, so I confronted him. We had a fight; I told him I was going to go to the authorities, but then... next thing I knew I was hit over the head with something. When I woke up I was tied up in the room, with bodies and everything that you saw in there,"

"How-how did you know?"'

"I've always wondered how Amber died, so the more I dug the more I found. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for what my brother did to you,"

He gave me a sad smile before continuing, "So is your brother okay?"

"He's alive,"

Silence surrounded us after that, all of us just surrounded by our thoughts before I jumped up, "Shit!" I ran to the room where we kept the bodies, everyone following me. Going through their clothes that some still had on, I found GPS's on them all that were blinking,

"That's how they found us? How'd you know?"

"My father didn't know about the GPS that the car he took had, so chances are he didn't know about the jet's, which we need to disable as well. The bodies are the only thing that he's had contact with,"

"Well done, miss Rose. Where is the jet's?"

"I know, come on," Said Erick, leading them to the front, leaving me, Calleb and Josh to get rid of the GPS's that I had with me now,


Joshua's P.O.V

Jennifer fell asleep on Calleb's lap earlier after her sibling woke up, the sleeping pills wearing off. They were hungry and bored, which was understandable, but Lieutenant Black managed to tire them out again, so now they were just sitting and playing eye spy, looking at the ocean and clouds below us,

"Wake her up will you? We're here," Erick told us. Calleb woke Jennifer filling her in. All of us strapped in again, the kids happy to get off for a little while, feeling as the jet started to descend to the airport,

"Land over there," I pointed to the private jet area, guiding them where to direct the jet, finally touching down on the ground.

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