chapter 26

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Calleb P.O.V

All of us were pretty concentrated and hell-bent to take this bastard down, but no one was more so than the brother and sister in front of us. Even Josh noticed this. Josh and Jennifer have been getting close the last couple of days. Really close. I've walked in on them making out a couple of times in the weapon room, training room, bathroom, you name it. I was happy for both of them, they made a good couple, cute even.

If my interests weren't with Missy, I'd be totally jealous of the two of them.

Missy and I've had a couple of... meet ups the last few months, but no one knows. I don't even think anyone suspects it, well other than Josh. He suspects than I'm not exactly single, but I know he's not certain. I'd be super peeved if something happened to Missy at base because of this asshole, so I'm doing everything I can to keep him safe, to keep everyone I can safe. No one deserves to die for nothing at his hand.

"I'll get the money! I swear! I don't know what happened to it! It was in the account, ready to transfer it over to you when you asked for it three years ago! I swear!" We heard him pleading over the phone while pacing up and down on the boat's deck. The idiot almost looked scared. Scared? Of what?

"Please, Marcell, I'm begging y- No! Don't please!" He yelled into the phone, pleadingly.

"I've done everything you asked of me for years! Don't do this, please! I'll get the money, I'll have it in the account in a month's time, all of it, I swear!" I looked over to the others to see them just as confused at the conversation. Who was he talking to? Did he take orders from someone?

"Yes, yes I will do that! Than you Marcell!" The guy almost sobbed with relief, almost praising this Marcell guy's name.

Taking the phone from his ear, he ran his hand through his hair and sighed, looking around as if sensing us looking at him. But he came up empty-handed and turned back to go inside the boat. Lieutenant Black and General Maree gave us the signal to move forward, guns held high.

We moved quickly and swiftly, dodging trees and fallen branches, across the small bridge and onto the boat. Alex and Joshua went around the right side of the boat once we got on board, Jennifer and I went around the left side and then General Maree and Lieutenant Black went straight in after making sure all of us were in position.

"Hands where we can see them, Rose!" We heard Black yell, tacking that as our cue to move in. All six of us had our guns pointed at him, ready to shoot if needs be.

"How the hell did you find me? Where's Ann?"

"Dead. Shot her and watched how she bled out while we did nothing to help," Alex sneered at his father. His head snapped around and narrowed his eyes at the male,

"I told them to leave you for dead!"

"I was nearly thanks to you, you son of a bitch! What kind of father are you?"

"I should've put a bullet through your head when I had the chance,"

"Well you didn't, maybe I would get the absolute pleasure doing that to you? Or maybe we should give that chance to Jennifer? After all, she did suffer a lot from you as well, hell she lost a damn arm!"

"You don't know what you're doing, boy. He'll come for all of you,"

"Oh yeah? The one you were just on a phone call with? He sounded like he wanted you, not us. I think he'll enjoy it when we hand you over to him on a silver platter, what do you guys think?"

"No!" His eyes went wide with fear. Obviously, he didn't expect such words from his son, someone he thought died and showed no remorse over, how stupid can someone be?

"Then call your troops off at our bases. All of them." Jennifer glared at the man. He sighed and looked at her long and hard before nodding. We called all the bases he had control over and listened how he gave the order for them to surrender to the military and let them arrest all of them while we put him in cuffs, dragging him towards to jet, tying him up and making our way back to the UK to hand the prick over.

We called Erick and let him know that we had him in custody and that we would make our way to pick the three of them up along with the bodies once we put Phillip behind bars. Phillip was pretty surprised to hear Erick was still alive and a look of guilt crossed his face before he covered it again.

"Surprised you're able to fly again after-"

"Don't start with me." Jennifer snapped,

"Or what?" Phillip asked sarcastically and rolled his eyes at her. She pulled a gun out and pointed it at his temple. We widened our eyes in shock, including Phillip when he realized she wasn't joking,

"I put a bullet in your head after I make you suffer like you made Alex, Erick and I suffer. I can tell you now that no one will stop me from killing you after we have what we want to know from you. After what you did to numerous of people, soldiers, you don't deserve to have a fast death," She sneered and shot him in his thigh.

"Who do you owe money to?" She asked as she crouched down,

"No one-" He cut himself off with a painful cry as Jennifer pressed her pistol down onto the fresh bullet wound he had,

"You think I'm joking?"

"His name his Marcell!"

"Marcell who?"

"Marcell Wolf!"

"Why did you owe him money?" She asked, digging her pistol deeper into his wound. He refused to answer, biting down on his lip to stop from crying out in pain. Jennifer just looked at him and shot another bullet into the same wound while the gun was still pressed on his flesh,

Storm Of PainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora