chapter 8

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"So which arm was it? This one?" Kaleigh asked and grabbed her left shoulder and then moved to her right, "Or was it this one?"

"Get. Your. Damm hands. Off me."

"Or what? Just tell me which arm it was. This one or-" Before any of us could see it coming or even think it would happen, Jennifer landed one hell of a punch to Kaleigh's face. Kaleigh fell to the floor grabbing at her jaw,

"It's that one. Touch me again and I'll make sure to make your life a living hell. My family also doesn't have anything to do with you or anyone else, so stop talking like it's your business. Enjoy your evening, Sergeant," Jennifer directed the last part to Noah and stepped past Kaleigh. That punch is sure to leave a bruise, I've never seen Kaleigh stay down for more than two seconds,

"Jennifer is staying with us because it's was General's orders. Stay out of other people's business. Noah-"

"She's not getting off on this, I'll make sure of it. Those looked like nasty scars, make sure she's okay and let me know? She's one of us and Kaleigh's behavior is unacceptable,"

"Will do. Goodnight."


Calleb P.O.V

"Turn right Jennifer!" I yelled at her as she moved around in the machine,

"I'm trying!"

"Try harder! You're telling me after that last deployment that you can't even steer!?"

"Shut up!"

"Then show me you still have what it takes! Or was your father right about you?"

It's been a while since her visit to the medical wing and she's doing much better now with her arm. The bitch Kaleigh is still getting hell from Noah for what she did; serves her right. Jennifer is still struggling at flying, I've tried everything I could think off but nothing is working, She's still on edge and panics at the slightest thing on the screen of the simulator just like she is now,

"Jennifer! Breath and fly!"

She took a visible breath and finished what I had planned for her today before getting out and waiting for me.

"I-I'm sorry, Sir."

"Get back to the apartment, we're done for the day," I said and walked ahead of her. I felt bad for the girl, but if she wanted to do this again, then she'll have to get over whatever is keeping her back. I walked to the General's office ready to speak to him along with Joshua to report on her progress. We waited quite a while before a man walked out of his office looking pretty mad before we were called in,

"How's it going with her?"

"Sir, she's doing great and improving each day. Her fitness level is better than some other people I know on base and her physical strength is on point. Her arm is doing better, so in all honesty, I would move her to train with the others soon,"

"And at your side, Hemmings?"

"Sir, honestly I don't know what to do anymore. She can't fly, well, I know she can, the way she handles herself around the equipment and everything, but she can't handle the stress like I'm sure she could a few years ago. It's like she zones out. She's not even remotely ready to get back out there. Some are saying that it's a waste of time."

"So what are you saying?"

"I don't know. I don't know what more you would want me to do, there is obviously something holding her back and she will never be able to fly again until she gets over it,"

"So you're saying it's pointless?"

Just then we heard two knocks on the half ajar door,

"Come in!"

"Afternoon, General," Jennifer walked in with a stack of papers, an emotionless mask plastered on.

"What can I do for you?"

"Sir, I was requested to bring these to you from-"

"I know who it's from, thank you, Jennifer,"

"My pleasure, General,"

"Jennifer, tell me, have you met Sergeant Noah?"

"Yes, Sir,"

"I want you to please ask him for the stack of papers I gave him. Ask him to give it to you, I want you to please fill them in for me and have them on my desk ASAP, it'll help Noah a ton."

"Will do, Sir,"

Not even sparing a glance towards us she turned around and walked out after she was dismissed. Finishing up our conversation with the General, Joshua and I made our way towards our apartment only to find Noah with a very upset Jennifer walking into the apartment.

"What did you do to her?"

"Me? Nah I didn't do anything. She um..." Noah looked behind him and closed the door, "She came and asked me for a stack of papers, General's orders apparently. So I gave them to her and when I was about to go talk to General Maree myself about the papers, I found her climbing into one of my jets. She got in and I followed her. She went and sat down, ran her fingers over everything, and just broke down. I've never seen anyone so broken as I've seen her. She was about to start the engine when I stopped her and got her over here. She needs to talk. Whatever the hell happened to her in her last deployment has obviously affected her more than we all think."

"Thanks, man. We'll... we'll talk to her." Josh answered and walked in first before me. We closed the door and heard a glass shatter somewhere in the hall.

"Where did that come from?"

"Her room, come on,"

What we saw, shocked both of us. Jennifer was sitting against a wall next to her bed with a bottle of vodka next to her on the floor with broken glass in the hall. She had her head in her hands, a complete and total sobbing mess,

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