Chapter 2

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Zyras's pov

I just stared at my mom not knowing what to say, should i go? 'geez its like im making the biggest decision of my life' "zyra?" my mom asked me returning to the situation at hand, "um yea... Sure.." i hesitantly replied
my mom then smiled 'wait? She also agreed on this.. Wow.. my mom and dad agreed on something..' " that's great! I'll text your dad to let him know" she exclaimed clearly happy about my decision. After breakfast my mom went to work leaving me alone in the house, i love being alone in the house cause you can do what you whatever you want without anyone telling you what to do. I stayed in the living room while talking with my best friend stacy on the phone.



Wait your spending your summer vacation in Australia?!?


Why do you sound so sad? I mean your going to Australia you get to see the Sydney harbour bridge!! You can go shopping! And while your at it you can also buy me a gift when you get back!!

Your more excited than me, maybe your the one that should go.. 🙄

I would love too but i cant really leave the love of my life😉

Aish i dont wanna hear any of your lovey dovey moments im gonna be swarmed by ants!!

Hahahaha ok fine ill call you later vince and i have a date to attend to

Ok bye!


After the call with stacy i got a little bit bored so i decided to watch a Disney movie ive watched rapunzel a lot of times but i never got bored of it.
After watching i got hungry so i decided to make my own food, im not good at cooking but at least i wont starve to death cause i cant make anything when my mom isnt home.
My mom comes home at 10 so i still have a lot of time in my hands without knowledge of what to do with it so i decided to listen to music, its one of my hobbies, i turned on 'good thing by kehlani' i got a little bit carried away cause i started singing and dancing along with the music

Cause i already got a good thing with me

Yeah i already got everything i need

The best things in life are already mine

Dont tell me that you got a good thing for me cause i already got a good thing


After my little concert in my living room i got tired then decided to take a nap in my room. I woke up at 4 in the afternoon 'ting' i got up to check my phone, it was a text fron my mom
'pack your bags already your leaving tomorrow morning and you do it now not later dont be a lazy human being 😂I'll see u later love you' it said ' that's not true im not a lazy human being, well the lazy part is not true but i am a human being obviously' aish my mom really knows me well so i started packing.

A few hours later

I finally finished packing my things, i turned to see that its already 6 in the evening 'what?! Did i really take that long?' i went down to the kitchen to reheat the leftover chicken from last night. After eating i went to my room to take a quick shower and change into my pj's 'im leaving new york tomorrow... Im gonna miss this city' i thought to myself i sighed then decided to watch some vids on youtube.

A few hours later

I was so engrossed in watching youtube videos that i didn't notice the time and was shocked to see it was already 10, i jumped out of bed and rushed downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen drinking water she turned to see me "your still awake? I thought you were asleep already since the house was so quiet"she said "no mom i was watching videos that's why i was quiet" i replied "oh ok then its time to stop watching videos and go to sleep your leaving early tomorrow" she said while walking towards her room. "why~! Its still early!" i whined like a 3 year old "well if you insist on looking like a zombie tomorrow im not stopping you on going to sleep late" she shot back at me while smirking.

I rolled my eyes then sighed 'i cant with this woman that i call mom' "ok fine im going to bed" i told her feeling defeated, she laughed then kissed me goodnight, i went to my room then looked at my alarm clock thinking if i should set an alarm but i opposed on that thought then went to bed 'she'll wake me up anyway' was the last thought on my mind then i was finally taken away by sleep.

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