Chapter 18

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Zyra's pov

Well to be honest, i dont know how my mom and dad will react when they see each other when we got here in Australia, i was keeping it cool on the outside but in the inside i was almost having a mental breakdown.

Who knows, what if when mom and dad see each other they will fight or maybe disagree with something that can cause an even larger problem. And we dont want that.

but fortunately when they did see each other it wasn't that awkward....... Ok maybe a little bit awkward but that's better than seeing them trying to cut each others head off.

When dad got back from the store dinner was already set and we we're waiting for him so that we can start eating together. At first the table was silent, you could almost hear a single strand of hair drop 'is that even possible?' (i dont know you tell me 😂)

But that eerie silence was cut short when liam decided to tell some funny stories,and while liam was telling his silly stories it felt like we were a perfect family, i saw smiles on each one of their faces, mom even joined in the fun and started to tell jokes as well. We were laughing hard when mom was trying to mimic her boss when angry her faced looked like a duck, everyone was happy and smiling a lot, even Alistair.

when the air got lighter dad tried to talk to mom " so.... Lydia... How are you?..... Its been a while" dad asked mom, mom looked at dad for a few seconds then answered "I've been good Sebastian... How about you?" mom asked back.

Me and my brothers, well i dont know about Alistair since he looks really busy eating his food. We lowkey listened to what were they talking about since all of us knew that they dont get along like dora and boots does. But to our relief there weren't any tension at all between them, they were asking about how have they been for the past years and yea you know all the parent-y stuff.

After dinner everyone was calm and relaxed dad wanted us to have a picnic in the park again tomorrow but this time with mom joining us. I was excited these was one of the things i never got to experience since my mom and dad decided to live separately and almost cut off contact with each other. I was lucky to experience this.

When we decided that it was finally time to call it a night we all went to our rooms, after taking a half body bath and changing into my pj's i immediately layed in bed and closed my eyes, guess i wont have trouble falling asleep tonight cause i was feeling tired and my eyes were already closing.


I was startled awake in the middle of the night when i thought i was falling, i think i was dreaming but it felt so real, i thought i fell off the bed but in reality i was still in my bed far from the floor. 'ok that was weird' i got up from the bed about to go to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water when i heard a noise outside.

I looked out of my window to find some guys drunk on the other side of the road and yelling like they're inside a club, i just rolled my eyes at them the headed to the fridge, while i was drinking precious water i saw my mom in the living room i was about approach her and ask her why was she still awake but stopped on my tracks when i saw she was not alone

I saw dad with her, i backed away so that they won't see me 'why were they still awake? And what were they talking about?' i tried to eavesdrop but they were talking in a hushed tone so i couldn't hear them properly, but their conversation looked serious so i just let them be then tiptoed back to my room.

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