Chapter 11

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Zyras's pov

After that amazing dinner last week,my father also arrived home three days ago and also started to hangout with me to know me better, im now comfortable with my brothers and my father well maybe im still intimidated by Alistair because of his cold aura, but so far so good it wasn't like the first time i got here, i was scared and awkward around them

A month later *

"wait-hahahahah i give up ok-hahahaha" i screeched as liam was tickling me, you might be wondering whats going on well i was watching tv and eating some doritos, and mind you i LOVE doritos, liam then went to me and asked if he could have some, while me deciding to be a little bit playful did not give him any and ignored him, and look where that led to now, after being tickled well almost tortured i gave up and gave liam some of my precious doritos then he calmed down ' i' ll have my revenge soon 'i evily thought to myself then settled down next to liam while watching tv.


I was about to sleep when my father walked in my room "oh hi dad!" he smiled at me then sat down on the side of the bed beside "so i was wondering if you would like to go on a picnic with your brothers and i in the park tomorrow?" he asked "of course" i excitedly exclaimed he laughed at my reaction then kissed me in the forehead and said his goodnight, when he left i settled comfortably in my bed then fell asleep.


"wow! This chicken is delicious!" i exclaimed, liam agreed with me "yes dad this is soooo good!" he said while devouring his fried chicken dad laughed at his antics.

After eating a delicious meal i decided to have a little walk around the park for a few minutes to help my stomach digest the food i ate. While walking i saw a lot of children playing and running around, there are also a few couples having their date, i walked even further through the park when i saw a little boy crying i immediately rushed to the boy, "hey Little one why are you crying? Are you hurt? Are you lost?" i softly asked the boy to not scare him "i c-cant f-find my mommy" he cried i hugged him "shh dont cry i will help you find your mommy" i comforted the little boy "really?" he shyly asked me as he lifts his head to look at me 'he' s cheeks are soo chubby! ' "yes, I'll help you so please stop crying little one" i said

He immediately hugged me "thank you miss" he exclaimed clearly happy that i' ll help him he let go and stood up "my name is leo" he cutely introduced himself "my name is Zyra" i introduced myself while smiling he smiled back at me then we started to find this little one's mother

After a few minutes of walking he spotted his mother "mommy!!!" leo ran to his mother "leo!" his mother hugged him tight "where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere im was so worried!" she said as she kissed leo on the forehead "mommy zyra helped me find you" leo said as he pointed at me, his mother turned to look at me she approached me, i was shocked when she hugged me tight "thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So much for helping my leo i dont know how to repay you for your kindness" she said " oh no need, i just wanted to help" i said then smiled at the woman then leo "next time dont stray too far away from your mommy so that you wont get lost again ok?" i said to leo

He nodded then hugged me for the last time then went home, i was about to walk back when i heard liam shouting my name i turned to see him running at me" where have you been?! We've been looking for you everywhere! "he said with concern visible in his eyes "liam im fine i just helped a little boy find his mom" i reassured him he sighed im relief then we head home.


Third person's pov

Months flew by and summer break was over it was time for zyra to go back to new york and also back to school, zyra is currently packing her things for her flight tomorrow morning.

Zyras's pov

I sighed, i finally finished packing my things, i looked around my room 'im gonna miss this place' ive created so much memories here these few months ive been here, im gonna miss my dad and especially my brothers, we've become close during the duration of my stay here im Australia i sighed then went downstairs to eat dinner.

Dinner was quiet, it was very weird since im now used to everyone laughing and joking around when we're together, after dinner i excused myself then went to my room to freshen up and get ready for bed, the mood around the house was gloomy

I was about to sleep when the the door opened, my brothers and my dad entered, my dad approached me "princess talk to us, you've been quiet the whole day" he said as he hugged me "im gonna miss you and liam and weston and Alistair" i said as the tears in my eyes are about to fall my dad let go of me then called my brothers, liam was the first to come to me

"im gonna miss you too you know, you are our little sister" he said as he hugged me tight 'i think i broke a rib with all this TIGHT hugging' he kissed my forehead then smiled at me and of course i smiled back then Alistair and weston also hugged me saying they were also gonna miss me even though im a little annoying, yep the one who said i was annoying was weston but I just laughed at him and he smiled.
After that emotional moment they went out and let me sleep.

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