Chapter 5: Swimming Pool

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Third Person's PoV

Swimming at noon is never a great idea unless a person is in Los Angeles.

The three sway boys are having fun, Griffin and Jaden are splashing each other waters... while Kio on the other hand, just sits there above the pool silently.

"What's taking Y/n so long?" Griffin nagged making the two boys shrug their shoulders.

Jaden splashed the water directly at Griffin's face, muttering "bull's eye" triumphantly under his breath.

Griffin thought it was a good idea to talk about Y/n while she was not there, so he started the conversation.

"What can y'all say about her?" Griffin asked, annoyed at Jaden's previous action before combing his hair with his own hands.

Jaden also ruffled his own hair, "She's hot... like so, pretty fucking hot. If you let me rate her from 1-10, she's surely 11." Jaden exaggerates.

Griffin chuckled at that but if they're being honest here, he also finds y/n attractive.

The two of them turned their heads at Kio, waiting for his opinion.

"She doesn't even know we're famous from TikTok." he responded.

Griffin stopped from laughing, and was all of a sudden shocked to hear that. Jaden, on the other hand, doesn't really reacted on that because somehow he he knew it was coming.

"Wait, what? Really? I thought she was just shy... It's so weird to hear from someone that literally lives in L.A., not knowing that we're viral." Griffin commented, still mind-blown.

Jaden shrugged, "Honestly, I knew it already after she walked in right through the door of the house. She acts like—like fresh and new with this situation." he stated.

"Weird choice of words but facts." Griffin replied.

"Well, let's not talk much." Kio mumbled before slowly dipping his whole body unto the pool.

"Says the flirt." Griffin jokes, and then he high-fived Jaden... on the face. Jaden flipped him off instead of starting a fit.

The two started play-fighting on the water again when suddenly, they heard a scream from above. From the balcony, to be exact.


Josh and Anthony were standing at Bryce's balcony before throwing their shirts and pants at the pool. One of the pants that were probably from Anthony was thrown directly at Griffin's face.

"Dude—ew! That's so stanky!" Griffin closed his nose using his thumb and point finger. Kio laughed secretly at that.

"Fuck you, Griffin!" Anthony flipped the bird to his homie while smiling. Griffin shook his head, on back of his mind he was thinking "oh god, who taught this dude to swear?".

The three boys at the pool were looking up at the two. Josh nod his head and signaled Anthony to jump in 3. They counted, at the same time... 1... 2...

"Yo, what the hell are you guys doing on my balcony?"

A sleepy guy with brown-locks on top of his hair questioned the two boys. The guy looks like he slept for ages, but no one can't hide the fact that he still hot AF. He's wearing a grey tank top and shorts while looking confused at his two bros.

Anthony and Josh glanced at Bryce, and then focusing their eyes towards below again.


"Canon ball, bro." Anthony said on "isn't-it-obvious" tone. After that, the two boys jumped while screaming profanities on the top of their lungs.

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