Chapter 7 | Keefe

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Quick question, what do you prefer; Keefe's pov or Sophie's?

Keefe heard Sophie walking down the hall, he hid crouched in a shadowy concealed corner of the room. When Sophie walked in she glanced around the room, and Keefe snuck up being her and quickly grabbed her. "Well hello there." He said in a deep voice.

Sophie shrieked and kicked him in the crotch, he immediately doubled over groaning in pain, "You are absolutely no fun to prank." He wheezed through grimaces.

Sophie's face turned red with anger or embarrassment, he didn't know. "Holy crap Keefe, don't do that ever again—or I will kick you much harder, and trust me—it will be much more painful. I thought I was getting kidnapped for god's sake!"

"Well, you sure do know how to drop a guy—that's for certain."

"That's all you have to say for yourself?"

Keefe was amazed by how much pain the girl inflicted. He'd never been kicked that hard in that particular region, and he couldn't say he recommended it to anyone. "I'm sorry...?" He squeezed out. Keefe didn't really do apologies, so the fact she got one was an occasion to remember, a day to write hymns and poems about.

"Hmf," Sophie said, crossing her arms across her chest. "You dragged me all the way out here to do that?"

"No, there actually are some people sneaking out, It's just as you were walking down the hall and the perfect opportunity for an even more perfect prank presented itself," Keefe explained. "Ready to go?"

Sophie snorted, "You're asking me? You're the one who was doubled over for a good long minute holding your crotch wheezing like you're dying."

Keefe looked at her surprised, "And there's the Foster snarkiness we all know and love." 

"Do you want another kick to you-know-where?"

He paled, "No thanks—I'd really prefer not." Keefe stammered. Something about this girl just makes every word fly out of his head, whether from terror like right now—or something else he didn't know.

"Then shut up—and take me to the docks." She demanded, the look in her eye showing that she'd make good on her threat.

Keefe sighed, "Okay fine." He said leading her out the door and outside. There were a few pathways, but they had to cut across some fields. 

There were a few figures that Keefe could make out, all of them were moving around and talking in hushed voices.

Keefe raised a hand in greeting, "Hey guys, we're here."

"Did you bring them?" Fitz asked.

"Yeah," He responded reaching into a bag and pulling out some fireworks. 

Sophie's eyes widened, "What are you doing? That can't be allowed!" She hissed at him quiet so only he could hear.

He raised a brow, "Yes, but if you always follow rules, then life would be boring. Where's your sense of adventure?"

She sighed in defeat, "Someone's gonna see us."

He just gave her a sly grin in return, "No they won't—Fitzy, prepare the boat!" A bit earlier in the day, they'd managed to convince Fitz's older brother, Alvar, to lend them his pontine boat. He was a bit skeptical at first but gave in once they told him they needed it to get to the island where they'd light off the fireworks.

Fitz was the only one of them who actually knew how do use a boat without crashing it into something—they learned that from experience. Keefe started walking down the dock bringing Sophie with him, he hopped off the dock, and into the boat floating in the water. He stretched a hand out to Sophie, "Need a hand getting in?"

She looked contemplative but slipped her hand into his letting him help her in. Her hand felt warm and soft in his.

"M'lady," He said gesturing to one of the white chairs, taking a seat in one of them letting her sit in the other one beside him.

The ride took a while so he found himself engaging himself in conversation, "So, Foster, exited for the fireworks?" Keefe was actually interested to hear her response, he had sorta made it out to seem like they were only going to the docks. 

She scrunched up her nose, "I guess you could say that." 

Huh, definitely not what he'd expected. There was none of that 'Foster-rage' he'd expected. 

"We have arrived!" Fitz's voice rang out, as he pulled into an old wooden dock. The island was not as big as it had seemed from afar, but definitely big enough for the plan.

"Did you bring the logs and the lighter?" Keefe asked his friend Wylie, who was been sitting across from him and Sophie. The thing Sophie also didn't know, was that there would also be a big bonfire to go along with the fireworks.


Keefe made his way out of the boat holding Sophie's hand to help her get out. Once she was out he forced himself to let go of her hand, even if it was nearly impossible.

"We're ready!" A voice called from the island's beach, how many people had Fitz invited?

He looked down at the petit girl beside him, "Ready to see some serious firework action?"

Humans are just fancy apes 🦍 don't ask. Mind leaving a vote for this fancy ape —> 🦧 his name is billy buttoque,

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