Chapter 9 | Sophie

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Keefe lead Sophie onto a path leading into forested part of the island. She could hear laughter and squealing as they approached. Once they turned a final corner, she saw a clearing that had been heavily concealed by the thick bushes and trees.

There were people scattered on logs sitting near a fire, roasting marshmallows, hotdogs, and talking. Someone stood up when he saw them and waved, "Hey guys!"

"Hey Fitzy," Keefe said nodding at him, leading her to one of the logs. "Catch." He said and threw a marshmallow roasting stick at her. She quickly reached out a hand to grab it, Sophie spotted a bag of marshmallows, and impaled one on the stick.

Nearing the fire, she held the stick close to the flames. Keefe did the same.

Sophie had only roasted marshmallows a few times, there just weren't that many opportunities to do so in the city, but this wasn't the city. Lost in her train of thoughts, Keefe quickly tapped her on the shoulder, "Your marshmallow is burning."

She looked back at the end of the stick, where the marshmallow was still impaled. crap. Sophie moved her hand to take it off, but was cut off by Keefe, "Don't you'll just burn your fingers," Slide it off with like—" he took a quick look around, "this rock." He said handing it to her.

She took it from him and slid the burning thing onto a plate Keefe was holding. 

"Can I eat it?" Keefe asked.

God, this guy really was an idiot. "You want to eat a burnt marshmallow?" Sophie asked giving him an incredulous look.

His reply was a sly grin as he popped it in his mouth. "Delicious." He said with his mouth full of gooey marshmallows.

"You are disgusting."

"Ah, but you love me for it!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."


"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

He had to be honest, that girl could be even sassier than him sometimes—which was really saying something. "It does help me sleep at night, thank you very much."

She stuck out her tongue at him and attempted at roasting another marshmallow—she really was oblivious to everything then. He heard her groan when she burnt yet another marshmallow.  And swore colorfully once she realized that she did.

Wordlessly, he just slid it off the stick and ate it, passing her a perfectly golden one that he roasted.

"Thanks," She mumbled.

He gave her a smile, "Any time, Foster, any time."

Sophie looked up at him, her brown and golden eyes scanning his, "Why do you call me Foster?"

That, he didn't know. "Using first names is no fun. Using them always makes things seem...serious, in a way."

"Good point."

After that, they both didn't seem to know what to say. Everyone else was quietly chatting, giggling with friends, or making out. To be honest, he wouldn't mind the last one...

"Wanna leave?" He asked Sophie.

She seemed to be relieved at the opportunity to leave them, "Oh good—yes."

"Bye guys!" He said to the people and took ahold of Sophie's hand.


Keefe lead her down the path to the beach, "So has this night been as bad as you imagined?"

Sophie had actually, which was definitely not what she'd expected when she agreed to come earlier. "Surprisingly, yes."

"I knew it!" He said pumping a fist. "And just so you know, you burn marshmallows beautifully."

Sophie blushed, "Yes the marshmallow is a perfect shade of charcoal black."

Keefe laughed and pointed. "See that one" His finger pointing at the sky. "That's Orion."

Sophie's gaze shifted from where he was pointing, indeed there was a cluster of eighteen stars forming the vague shape of a hunter brandishing his bow. But there was also something else—the northern lights.

"...Keefe, look up, the northern lights!"


"...Keefe, look up, the northern lights"

He looked up to the sky, among the twinkling silver stars above, there was a faint blue and green light to the sky, it honestly looked a bit surreal with the streaks of color adorning it. "It's gorgeous."

Sophie smiled at him—she really was oblivious to everything, wasn't she?

"Yeah, it is."


They lay there pointing constellations out to each other for the next few hours, just enjoying staying in each other's warmth.

 Sophie knew she had to study and all. But for this, that could wait.

U don't need to pay money for this story, so mind paying with a vote?

And that song sooo fitzing for Sokeefe. Did you see what I did there? Fitz-ing, not fitting? Yeah, I'm great.

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