Chapter 21

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"Man, I'm serious. What you doing here?"

"Well I've been meaning to talk to you about the money you giving me"

I chuckle, shaking my head. See I give this girl a lot of money for her to be bullshitting me right now. I sigh and sit down. "Listen Chantelle, you and I have been co-parenting so well this past two years. Why you wanna be a bitch now?"

"Ok, that's my cue to go" Rita said standing up. I look at her as she makes her way upstairs, probably to her room. "I'm not being a bitch. Listen her kindergarten isn't teaching like I thought and I found a new one, so it's a bit expensive so I need you to increase her monthly allowance"

I nod. "Cool, you want me to increase it? I give you $5 000 every month. Do you know how much money that is? That's too much for a baby, really a two year old baby. You got her doing some dance classes, ballet, singing classes, buying her clothes every month? She's a kid, she's going to grow and the clothes won't fit her anymore. If you trynna buy her more clothes, buy her with your own money. Where she at anyways? I never see her with you? What's gotten into you, really? Its starting to piss me off. I need the real, last month Chantelle back"

She sighs and rolls her eyes. "She's with my mother, she's bringing her tonight. Is that ok with you?"

"Yeah its ok. That's my daughter. Now leave, I'm trynna sit alone"

"So is that your girls now? I've never seen you with a girl, well in your house, you never bring them around"

"Not that it's any of your business, but nah, she ain't my girl, she my friend. Why?"

"Just asking. She's weird, well not really, I just expected her to be all up in our business and being mad that I'm over here"

I shook my head. "Nah, don't worry. She ain't like you. Now leave. What time your mama gone come?"

She shrugs and picks up her bag walking out. "I'll call you. Bye Aug"

"Its Yungin, ain't no damn Aug"

"I'm the mother of your child, I'll call you by your name"

I bite my lip and smirk. She gets in her sit and I close the door. When I turn around Rita is all up in my face, with a huge grin on her face. I shove her out of the way and walk in the kitchen.

"So when am I meeting her?"

I frown and turn my body around to look at her. "Who? My daughter?"

She nod with a smile. "yeah, she must be pretty like her mama. Gosh did you see how beautiful she is. She's like a goddess. I'd kill to look like her."

"You pretty too. Shit, coming to think about it, you prettier than her. Now! What's that shit I heard about you leaving?"

"Well I didn't mean for it to come out that way, but by the end of the week I'm moving out. I found a small apartment downtown and it's not to big or too small and I'll be living by myself anyways. I'm really grateful for letting me stay with you. You helped me when I was at my lowest."

"So you just gone leave me? I like having someone here. It gets lonely" I explain to her. "Well it wouldn't if you had gotten a smaller house for just you. This is a family house and you have Dina"

I straight face her. She giggles and covers her mouth. Her giggles turning into a full blown out laughter. "Ok, ok. I'm sorry. Let me go-let me go and start- start packeting my things"

"Man you serious about this moving thing of yours? Ain't there nun I can do to stop you?"

She shakes her head. "Listen, I'll come and visit and you can always come and see me. I can't stay here for the rest of my life. I need to get back on my feet and learn independence, you want that for me right?"

I bite my lip and nod. "Of course I do. It's just, I really got used to someone being around, you know? That's all really. Just stay until the summer break over, than you can go if you want. Please? I usually have company during holidays"

"Fine, now let me go and sleep. I'm tired" she says. I smile.

"So, how was your exam?"

She sucked her teeth and shrugs. "I don't know. Some parts were ok and some weren't. I just hope I pass"

"Seeing how your 12 grade report is, I think you did"

"A 4.0 GPA isn't nothing August. University is hard, like it's a job and it's only my first year"

"Its something. I guess it's probably hard because it's your first year. It's the first time you really go into depth on the things y'all learning about, as time goes it will get easier. You'll already understand everything, or maybe this year was easier and the coming years are about to show you flames"

"I've seen flames August, I've been in flames, I'm still in flames. This exams ain't nothing. I'mma ace this shit. Watch me"

I smirk. "That's the spirit. Now gone and sleep. I'm leaving anyways."

"You always leaving, but than you want me to stay here with you"

"You talk a lot so it helps"

"You never answer my questions so what are we going to do?"

"What we've always been doing, look I'm out"



"I'm ready to see Drew"


That's the end, I don't know what to say. I have nothing today. Hope it was good and enough. Not as long as the other chapters. Um, yeah, that's about it. Please vote and comment. I guess I did have something to say after all. Peace love💋😙😙😚😚


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