Chapter 37

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One month later- 1 September 2014-


I sigh and roll out of bed. Today is school, my second year. I'm so happy that I made it to the second year. I really thought I wouldn't. Thanks to my friend Rose, Dina, Rizzy and... August. They were there for me through it all. It's kind of sad that I can't celebrate with neither of them. After making the bed, I walk in the bathroom to take a shower. Thirty minutes later, I'm out and I'm putting on my clothes. Just a plain blue jean and a white shirt with black Vans.

I grab a granola bar and apple juice to eat on my way. After leaving August's house, I went to a motel and stayed there for a week. While I was there I called Rose and told her everything. She was pissed and she even cried with me, because it kind of reminded her of what Chris did to her. She told me where I could find her house keys and I'm staying in her house for now. I miss her so much. I'm so lost. I feel like I'm moving backwards.

Once the taxi dropped me off at the University, I went straight to class.

School went by quickly and I found myself at work. I asked my boss to change my shifts so August, Rizzy or Chris wouldn't find me. He called me for the longest, but I guess he got tired. I know I also would. Work went by fast and I was back home, at Rose's apartment.


I sigh with my head resting on my arms. I'm at my trap with Rizzy and Red. Rizzy is sitting by his usual desk and Red is laying on my couch talking nonstop. That shit is irritating as shit.

"Nigga wassup with your ass? You starting to bore the shit out of me. You've been sulking since forever nigga. It's your birthday in two days. What are we doing? Cause shit, last time, we almost died" Red said. I sigh and shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know and really I don't care" I answer his question.

"You thinking about the text she sent you?" Rizzy queries. I nod.

"Yeah, man. That shit bothers the fuck out of me. Like, I did her dirty and she still cares about a nigga. She put away all the hate and animosity she got for me and asked if I was ok, cause she knows what my brother meant to me and that I'd probably be fucked up. I've never come across a person like that. People is fake now and days"

"Damn! She did that? Nigga don't you think you should call her?" Red queries.

"Don't you think I've been doing that?"

"When was the last time you called her?"

"Like three weeks ago. Nigga she doesn't want to answer my calls, I've been calling her that whole week. She ain't answering. I called Rose and she told me to give her space. She's kind of pissed at me too."

"Three weeks? Nigga is you crazy? You call everyday until she answers"

"That's kind of creepy and psycho don't you think? Girls now and days call police on you and file for a restraining order. They'll tell people you stalking them" Rizzy said. I chuckled.

"But Rita ain't like that" Red said.

"Nigga, she's Rita. She's crazy crazy" Rizzy and I both said at the same time.

"I think the only reason she ain't do some crazy shit is because y'all ain't dating" Rizzy said. "But he is right. Call, maybe you'll get lucky and she'll answer"

I bite my lip and sigh, picking up my phone. I unlock it and went to my contact list. I scrolled down until I found her name. I pressed it and put it against my ear, letting it ring. After a few minutes I hung up.

"See, she ain't gone answer"

"I ain't siblings with someone who just gives up. When it comes to money you not so quick to give up, but you ready to give up someone so real? Nah, nigga. Call that girl" Red preached

"Damn, you really want me to call her, huh?"

"Yeah man. I was starting to see her as my lil sister, man. I kinda also miss our fights"

"Shit, I also miss that" Rizzy said in a chuckle. I pressed her name and put it against my ear. I let it ring and when I was about to hang up, she spoke.I didn't even realize I was holding my breath.

Phone conversation starts

Rita:" hello..."


What do you think should happen? Should she give him a chance or nah?

What would you do?

Short chapter.


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