Chapter 4

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"Alright everyone, we'll be practicing kido spells. This is the most important. For some the Kido is to heal, others. It's a way to protect. Knowing these spells could make a huge difference in a battle. Especially against hollows." you listened attentively. The days after Ami left seemed to drag on. And as promises she came by almost everyday to check on you. She even told you some interesting stories of the reapers she had encountered so far. Apparently there was even a bald one. You laughed at the notion. 

"Did dying take all his hair away?" was your reply to her statement. She had almost spit out her drink at your joke. She belted out a loud laugh and before long you joined her. Days together with her was never boring. But you still kept at it. Ami was already there. You were going to be there soon.

The Lieutenant paired you all off with a partner to work on your kidos. You were in an open area at the training grounds, sparing against each other. This was going to be interesting. The guy you got looked a bit unsure. You had a feeling he was concerned with hurting you. "Don't get soft on me. I'm the enemy, remember. Come on, given me all you've got. " He looked a bit more sure of himself. He raised his hands.

 "Way of Destruction 31, Red Flame Cannon!" he yelled the red flame shot out from his hand and you countered. "Way of Binding, Severing Void!" you summoned an invisible shield and he looked up in awe. The Red beam connected with the wall, fading on impact. The instructor looked up proudly. "That was remarkable, both of you. Keep it up." he said patting the guy in his back. The male looked over at you with a grin and you returned it. Your smile dropped when you heard a cry. Apparently you weren't the only one.

 Everyone stopped at the shrill sound. "H-Hollows!!" someone screamed. They were right. It wasn't just one either. There were at least ten of them. They came out of nowhere. Your eyes widened at the sight. Students started scrambling to get away in a panic. You stood rooted in your spot at all the chaos. A pair of golden eyes locked unto you and you let out a breath. The same feeling, the one that had been following you for some time now. You had no doubt it was coming from the hollow that stood right in front of you now. "You feel me reaper." your eyes shook at it's tone. It's hand reached down to grab you, you knew you should have run but your body wouldn't move. "Move...Damn it move!!"

"Hado 32, Oukasen!!" you jumped when a bright yellow ball of energy flew passed your head. It struck the hollow in its leg and you turned. The same guy from earlier had his hand raised. He raced over in your direction grabbing your hand. "R-Run!" he yelled, pulling you. Your body finally started to respond. You stumbled behind him trying to get to safety. The instructors that were present were trying to hold off the hollows, but you could see them struggling. Terrified expressions were present everywhere. You could see a couple bodies unconscious on the ground maybe dead, you couldn't tell.

"W-We have to help!" you pulled your hand away stopping and the guy turned back to you.

"What the hell are you talking about! We're still training. T-There to many w-we'll die if we try to take them on." his eyes moved to a body not too far away. A look of horror washed over his face. "N-No...Ni-san!!" he screamed rushing over to his fallen brother. You panicked when you saw the same hollow pace towards him at incredible speed. "W-WATCH OUT!!!" you shouted in fear. It was too late, the moment she turned the hollow got him. It's teeth sank into the side of his neck and you watched helplessly as blood seemed to splatter everywhere. Everything in your body seemed to shut down. He gasped out, coughing a mouthful of blood. The hollow bit down harder and you heard the sick cracking of his neck. It dropped the body, turning to you and you stared in disbelief. The guy was... dead..

"I've been waiting so long. That stupid reaper wouldn't leave your side. It was so tiring tailing you around. I hate waiting for my meals." its a sick voice rang in your head. "W-Waiting.." realization seemed to hit you. The reaper, he must have been referring to Ami. This was what you were feeling, the entire time. This hollow had been targeting you from the beginning. It's teeth were still stained with the guy's blood. "I didn't want to take any chances either, so I brought a couple friends." It sounded so proud of itself. "S-So all my fault.." You wouldn't believe it. Why the hell was this hollow so hung up on you. You weren't even a reaper yet. There was nothing you could have that was appealing in any sense. Your reiatsu was average at best. "You don't know do you?" you staggered back. "K-Know what?!"

"You reiatsu is overpowering. Lower level hollows can't tell, but I can feel it. I can smell it.. That's why you were able to sense me even when I was blocking others out. Only a captain can spot spiritual energy as high as mine. You seem to be the exception. Yet you have no idea how to harness it. When I devour you, I'll be that much closer to being an arrancar. Superior to these lower level scum." It took a step forward and you fell back on your butt. It laughed demonically.

"So pathetic. You should have run like your little friend said. Now you'll end up just like him. "

Your body was shaking as it got closer. "All of this...I put everyone in danger I. What am I...what can i do.?"

"You have good instincts. I trust you and I trust them."

Your eyes widened. You surveyed the environment. Bodies were littered everywhere. Individuals running and screaming. No one was going to save you. You were on your own. You were going to die.

"Say goodbye girl." it jumped forward and you cried out.


Bleach Fanfiction-Ikkaku Madarame🔥Where stories live. Discover now