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a/n : I have pretty bad writers block at the minute but I promise that the book will get more interesting veryy soon. Also, thank you for all the love on this book; we're nearly at 100 votes!


Jeno had just left to grab his printed copy of the notes, that he had managed to salvage before the file had been corrupted, whilst I sat in silence. My mind was reeling from all the information that had suddenly been thrust upon me and I knew that this was only the beginning. When Jeno returned with those notes, everything would change. Test Subject 312 would no longer be an unspoken mystery- I'd finally know something about him.

It didn't take Jeno long to return; he'd presumably ran shown from his laboured breaths and beads of sweat above the eyebrow.

"God it's havoc out there today," he complained, rubbing the back of his neck in annoyance, "the halls are crawling with scientists."

He sat down, once again, and threw the document at me.

"Like I said, it's not much."

However, as I flicked through the pages of the notes, I couldn't believe my eyes.

All these boys- Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, etc- had all faced the harsh mistreatment that Test Subject 312, or Jeon Jungkook, faced.

When I got to his page, I couldn't help but feel slightly deflated; there was so much I didn't know about him. For one, I'd only just realised his name.

Jeon Jungkook- it suited him.

I couldn't help but smile, even if I was slightly miffed that I'd been so oblivious. I'd never even asked for his name. In fact, I'd never even told him my name.
All this time I'd been accusing MediHeal of treating him inhumanly when, in actual fact, I hadn't even tried to gain his trust through pleasantries like a normal person. Then again, he wasn't exactly normal.

All of these other experiments, who I assumed were his friends, each had otherworldly enhancements. Controlling of the elements and manipulation of thoughts and emotion were a few examples; all of them had powers that should only exist in the pages of a Marvel comic book. They were almost godlike, their abilities incomparable to anything I'd ever seen in my 21 years of life. The whole situation was almost scary.

"I can't believe this," I said, voicing my thoughts. My brow was furrowed as I scanned the information over and over, almost willing the words to disappear before my eyes. When I started my job at MediHeal Laboratories, I thought I'd be working on drug development or something a little less like a situation out of Scooby Doo. I felt like me and Jeno were snooping, becoming spies who report on all of the laboratory's faults and flaws.

"How can they keep this from me, from any of us? What's the point? What are they planning? Why are they using children?!"

"Hayeon, calm down."

Jeno leaned towards me and grabbed my hands in his, which I'd only just realised were trembling, and looked at me alarmed.

"I know what you're feeling; I felt it too but you can't let this information overwhelm you. If you want to find out MediHeal's true motive and help Jungkook, you need to calm down. You need to be coherent otherwise you might slip up and reveal what you know."

I snatched my hands from his, my determination beginning to solidify.

"I would never do that," I stated, staring down the boy across from me who raised his arms in surrender, " but, realistically, what do we do? We're in an inescapable situation."

Jeno seemed to ponder for a second because letting out a reluctant sigh, pulling at his hair in frustration. In a flash of rage, he stood up and pushed the items lying on the desk off, pens and paper flying across the room before slumping back into the chair.

"I've been trying for months to think of something, anything but every lead I get slips away. I even tried to contact one of his friends but I guess that, now they're free, they want to stay under the radar."

"You found their contact information?"

This was news- huge news. If we could contact one of his friends who knew all the ins and outs of MediHeal's plans, we could advance with our plot to help Jungkook.

"I thought so. His contact name and email were all labelled under Kim Seokjin but, when I introduced myself and the situation, I never got a reply. Maybe they don't care about him as much as we think."

"I don't think that's the case. I remember when they first brought Jungkook here and he was upset, almost in tears. He had to be regretful of something that he was leaving behind. I'd bet my life that the reason he isn't talking to anyone is due to fear of exposing his friends. He loves them."

"He loves them."

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