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This chapter was supposed to be a 'special' one but I don't know how interesting it is unfortunately so I apologise for that.

Hope you're all staying safe


Taehyung was in trouble again.

All the six boys knew that they had to be careful in public; Mediheal Laboratory had never given up on their endless search to drag the boys back to that dreaded hellhole. However, the urge grew unbearable especially when the house that they were staying in didn't even have a tv. Taehyung was used to a life far from luxury but he enjoyed watching television and was rather miffed that he hadn't been able to watch his favourite animal documentaries.

They'd only been in Busan for a week and Taehyung already hated it. He knew he should probably try to appreciate the city more, especially since it was both Jungkook's and Jimin's place of birth but, frankly, he was drowning in boredom. If he had to spend another day locked in that house, he was going to go insane.

However when he had snuck out from the house, he hadn't expected to be spotted.

It was a simple mistake, they'd all done it at some point when their control over their enhancement would accidentally slip. He hadn't meant to duplicate in front of the convenience store woman but the damage was done now. She'd instantly screamed at him and called the police about an alien monster and Taehyung realised he had to scamper pretty quickly.

Mediheal Laboratory had scouts all over the country and they could intercept phone calls with the snap of their fingers. If they hadn't realised that the boys had been lying low in Busan, they did now.

Taehyung hastily walked back to the house, checking his surroundings and slipped into the secret den. He hoped that he could avoid confrontation with the other boys about his selfish decision to go outside but apparently fate wasn't on his side today. Sat on the sofa, sending him pointed glares, were five peeved looking boys.

"Damn it," Taehyung cursed as he strolled in the room, flinched and shifted his eyes to the ceiling

"Damn it indeed. Taehyung you know better than to sneak out without telling us. You could have been caught and, by the sounds of it, you nearly were," Jin scolded, coming up to him and examining him for injuries. Jin was definitely the mother hen of the group and never really got angry, just exasperated. He was the oldest and often felt that it was his duty and obligation to care for the younger boys.

Namjoon was the next to speak. "I've been listening in on their radio signals and you seem to have thrown them off our tracks but they've sent troops. We need to leave today."

Even though he recognised that he was being scolded, Taehyung wanted to cheer in happiness. He truly had hated this house with a passion.

"Oi, don't look so smug. We were all worried about you," Jin chastised him, hitting him lightly in the shoulder. Taehyung shifted awkwardly and felt a blush rise up to his cheeks as he realised he'd been caught red handed. However no one had liked this place. He was doing them a favour.

Namjoon coughed awkwardly and stood up from his seat, glasses and radio in hand. "We'll leave at 10, be ready." With a hesitant nod, he shifted out of the room.

Namjoon was the 'leader' of the gang of escapees, even though he'd protested otherwise. The job couldn't go to anyone else; Namjoon was the brains to the band of runaways and absolutely essential to their survival. Without his quick-witted decisions, they wouldn't be in their fortunate position.

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