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a/n: i apologise, in advance, for what's going to happen...


"The Captain wants to talk to you," the man said, approaching Jeno. The aforementioned boy paused absentmindedly before shaking his head and unburdening himself from whatever thought had plagued his mind.

"Where is he?" Jeno gulped.

"Over there, in the tent." The boy held up a finger, which my eyes proceeded to follow. Jeno seemed to have a similar thought process and also glanced in the direction of the towering tent. The tent flap opened and a bulking man walked out. I could only see his back but the large size of his upper tors0 was enough to make me halt. Once again, Jeno reflected my exact reaction.

Biting his lip and rubbing a hand over his temple, my former best friend stood up and traipsed towards the hulking figure. Although my position in the tree did block my view of the elusive 'Captain', that I'd heard so much about, it did allowed me to easily overhear the conversation. The next thing that Jeno said, shook me to the core.

"Father, I'm sorr-"

There was a loud noise of hand hitting skin and I only barely managed to hold in my gasp, from the new revelation or the harsh treatment towards my former best friend, I couldn't tell.

"What did I tell you?" the grainy voice of the Captain rang out, giving me shivers as though I was listening to nails on a chalkboard. "These experiments are not expendable."

"I'm sorry." Jeno held a hand against the blossoming red patch on his cheek, only barely managing to blink away his tears.

"Sorry isn't good enough, boy," the man spat, spittle firing out from his mouth. From this position. I could see Jeno flinch, shrinking under the unnerving glare of his 'father'. "You're lucky that it was only Test Subject 317. If you had shot our focus, well- you'd have to be disposed of." The seriousness of his tone made me freeze, my heart skipping a beat for the terrified boy below. Was this seriously happening? Was the Captain really Jeno's father? Would he really kill his son for a simple mistake? Were they after Jungkook again? Or Namjoon? Those two were the most powerful, after all.

"Still, punishments have to be handed out to those who make mistakes," the man mused, stroking his chin like one of those evil villains in the movies. "Who shot the creature?"

I bristled a this man's blatant lack of respect towards Taehyung. He wasn't some creature or cattle, he was a person. A living, breathing person who deserved just as much, if not more, respect than anyone in this entire opening. If I wasn't hiding, I would have been tempted to tell the man exactly what I thought but, when I spotted Jeno's face, I hastily changed my mind.

Jeno was never a fearful or timid person, especially not when we used to spend time together. He was one of those people who exuded confidence and self importance and, in a way, it was sort of refreshing. As a person who liked to hide from the limelight and was constantly aware of others judgments, having a person who gave zero bother towards all that trivial stuff , was encouraging. Jeno really had been a good friend and influence despite all of his wrongdoings.

However, in this moment, this boy was not the Jeno I was accustomed to. It was as though he'd retreated inside of himself, a crab, inside its shell. There was a blankness to his face, as though he was trying to keep his features straight, but his eyes revealed his true emotions like a white flag blowing in the wind. They were wide and unblinking, exposing his fear and desire to leave this situation as quickly as possible. Seeing him look so shaken made the terror churn in my stomach and I couldn't help but grab more tightly onto the bark on the tree as though I expected it to return the hug with one of its own. Still, with my body pasted to the trunk, I couldn't help but feel more at ease. My biggest downfall, in this situation, would be if someone was to spot me and the tree did allow me to be more camouflage.

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