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a/n: it's all starting to come together ¬¬


"Okay, so I think we need to sit down and have a chat about what happened at the old place," Namjoon said, pointing to an array of sofas and chairs arranged in the living room of the cabin.

It was just how I imagined it with its high ceiling roof, wooden balcony and towering windows. The best part, which I'd been hopefully expecting, was the large ornately decorated fireplace which I managed to convince Yoongi to light. It was absolutely breathtaking.

At the current moment in time, I was sat next to Jungkook on a large squishy beanbag sat across from a stern faced Namjoon. The only noise that could be heard in the room, was the sniffling of Taehyung as he wiped his wet eyes and sniffly nose onto a handkerchief. He still hadn't explained what had got him into such a flurry of emotion.

"I think we should start by naming whose ass I need to beat for hurting you," Jin muttered, eyeing the faint bruises on Namjoon's face with a scowl. He'd managed to take away most of the pain and damage but the scars still remained.

"Oh my fucking god, Jin said 'ass'. This really is serious," Yoongi stated, an impish grin on his face. Even in the worst of situations, the boy refused to be serious. Jin glared but sighed, realising he was probably being a bit too over protective.

"Taehyung, you should probably start," Jin mumbled kindly, nudging the boy slightly. I could tell that Jin was trying to be as friendly as possible towards Taehyung (probably in fear of setting off another endless tsunami of tears) but it didn't do much to help.

Taehyung's bottom lip trembled and he refused to look up, his lap becoming the centre of attention. "I didn't know," he mumbled, so lightly that it was almost impossible to hear. He repeated the sentence again, this time more loudly but still wobbly.

Hoseok must have felt the stress rolling off from Taehyung and leaned forwards, whispering something into quivering boy's ear. Taehyung nodded in response and then, he almost seemed to relax. His shoulders were no longer frigid, his arms loosely hung by his arm and the trail of tears on his cheek had already begun to disappear. I couldn't understand what Hoseok had said to make him change so quickly.

Jungkook dug his elbow into my rib and pointed towards Hoseok, mouthing something unintelligible. It was then when I realised that Hoseok must have used his enhancement to make the younger boy relax. It was a good thing actually because I doubted Taehyung would've had the strength to admit to his wrongdoings without him.

"There was this boy back at the laboratory." His voice had no hesitation. "He was my friend before I met you guys. They kept him in the containment facility adjacent to me."

I always forgot that Taehyung hadn't been intended to be introduced to the boys. If I remembered well enough, from Jungkook's story, MediHeal were planning to ship him and Namjoon away before allowing Taehyung to meet the others, optioning instead to keep him in a padded cell. If it weren't for Jin finding him on that particular day, he would still be trapped.

"I...I always felt bad for leaving him." From what I knew of Hoseok's power, he could only manipulate one emotion at a time. He had taken away Taehyung's stress but this blatant regret was still appearing through the cracks. "So when he messaged me, telling me he'd also got out. I replied."

"That's how they found us, then. They must have used the message to track and narrow down your location," Yoongi mused, surprisingly a lot less angry than I expected him to be.

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