Chapter 5: I Hope He Doesn't Recognize Me.

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Anya's POV:

It's been a few days since I meet Mister cute and now today is Monday.
Gosh, I don't really don't want to go to school today.
I got up my bed lazily and looked at the mirror, I looked like a hot mess. Just when I was about to get into the bathroom, I got a text from Oscar saying his coming to pick me up by 7:30

Well, ever since I broke up with Jake on that faithful, blessed Wednesday, news went around school that I was single and of course every guy wanted to try his luck but I played hard to get and later said yes to Oscar on Friday. Actually my first choice of a new boyfriend was Michael but he just won't leave his girlfriend Renne for any reason. Ever since I got to Addison high I always to date him because he was rich and cute. He had brunette hair with cute doe brown eyes. It's not I have a crush on him but I mean he is the most popular guy at school it would be nice for both of us to be together but no, he still finds Renne as the cutest girl at school.

I sighed looking at the text. Oscar is so punctual why will we be at school by 7:30. I entered the bathroom, took a bath wash my hair, then finally I got out and braided it into two French braids. I wore a black tight long sleeved gown with some red boots, red belt and put all of my stuff in a red designers bag, applied on some makeup and for the finishing touch, I wore my black designers glasses and then I was ready by exactly 7:20.

Knowing I won't be able to eat breakfast before Oscar gets here I just hurried downstairs and settled for an apple.

"Skipping breakfast again, Anya" mum asked me while I was running outside with my apple
"Yeah mum, I gotta go, my boyfriend will be the one to pick me up today" I told her

I don't actually tell my mum everything that happens in my life but of course she knows a few things (like the fact that I've been having boyfriends since I was 12) and she doesn't really care because she thinks I'm old enough to decide for myself. Amelia on the other hand knows everything about me, I don't usually tell her, she just somehow finds out. She knows all the boys I've dated, when I started dating, how i started dating and other secrets of mine.

"Which one Kristen, Paul, Jacob or Lucas" Amelia said teasingly
"I thought you were going out with Oliver?" mum asked me
"She's never dated an Oliver mum, her last one was Jake" Amelia corrected mum
"Last one, so who are you dating now? Mum asked me crossing her hands on her chest biting her lower lip. I gave Amelia a death glare and she smirked at me. Witch.

"Shut up Amelia how could I date all those guys what do you take me for? a slut?" I said and Amelia giggled knowing I'm lying to mum
"Anyways mum I'm hanging out with Oscar and I've been dating him since Second year" I continued in my lie mum seemed to buy it, so she smiled
"OK at least take some cookies along" she said still smiling and I took some cookies packet from the table and then I heard a car horn. I already knew it was Oscar. I gave my mum a kiss and strutted over to his car.

"You look stunning" he said when I entered
"I know" I said back
Luna had texted me earlier that she's going with Tyler today so we went straight to school.

Minutes later we were at school and of course Roxy hadn't gotten to school yet. Luna on the other hand was on her way with Tyler. I'll have to warn Oscar about this early thing.
Just as we were getting down from the car, a black stunning  Lamborghini Veneno drove rather roughly into the school and almost hit me

Just as I was about to scream at the idiot when Oscars came over to me
"What's wrong?"
"That idiot in that car almost hit me. But forget it, let's just go"
"No way, how can some one do that to you, don't they know who you are" Oscar said obviously trying to please me then he walks over to the Lamborghini and forcefully opens the door while I stand just where I was in front of his car cause I know he'll end up making a fool out of himself and I'm not ready to be part of that. Just as the door  opens, a guy with dark hair comes out wearing dark shades. I think I recognize him from somewhere
"Are you mad?, did you know you almost hit my girlfriend"
The black haired guy pulled his shades and I recognize him as .........MISTER CUTE.

What is he doing here. I've never seen him here before or else.....................HE'S OUR NEW EXCHANGE STUDENT.

Oh no!
And he still thinks I'm a slut. He made me speechless. His presence here could totally ruin my image. This is so bad.

"Answer me now" Oscar continued already looking less confident at the sight of his electrifying blue eyes
"Are you sure that my car hit your girlfriend or it was your girlfriend that hit my car?" Mister cute asked before strutting away and going back into the school and then I walk up to Oscar
"If not that he walked away, then I would have beaten him up" Oscar bragged, I knew he was talking nonsense so I ignored him and wanted to walk into the school but I saw Tyler's car and went over to go talk with Luna.
"Hey guys" I said getting there
"Hey" Luna replied
"Hey, um, where's Oscar?" Tyler asked
"Over there" I said pointing to Oscar's direction and Tyler walks over to him and then they entered the building.
I already told Luna and Roxy about Mister cute so telling her what happened just now wouldn't be a surprise for her. After I told her everything she just giggled and said we should go inside the school building.
Something is wrong here, normally she's supposed to tease me and talk for long and of course Tyler is still supposed to be by her side, he never really leaves her.
Roxy came just as we were about to go in and the three of us went in together and as usual we did our grand entry but this time no one was really paying much attention to us they were all gossiping about something and I struggled to listen to what some of 'em were saying

"Did you see that new guy"
"I heard he is the exchange student"
"He's looks cute"
"His eyes match my purse, I'll cherish this purse forever"
"His dimples were so cute"
"Do you think he'll date one of the cool girls or will he end up dating a nerd"
"I think he'll be a perfect match for Anya or Roxy but totally not Luna she won't leave Tyler for the world"
"I think he'll be a perfect match for me and I won't leave him for the world"

I knew they were all talking about Mister cute, this is terrible.
We got to our lockers and got our books for the next class Luna left without saying a word leaving just me and Roxy.
"What's wrong with her" I asked Roxy
"I don't know and why isn't she with Tyler?"
"Well, I don't know, in mean, grey were together this morning. And you, where's Ben?"
"He's skipping school today. Would have joined him but my mum found out about my lateness and skipping so I gotta go early to class, she's making Mr Hank monitor me for the week"
"But you still came late today"
"This is just day one, you can't expect me to start obeying the rules so quickly do ya" she says then walks away slowly. I giggled then left of to my biology class.

I got there early for the first time in forever and of course everyone was shocked, they kept on looking back to make sure that it was really Anya. Our biology teacher who was late (as usual) entered the class few minutes later with .......MISTER CUTE

"Good morning students, I know I'm late, again, but this time I have a very good reason. Principal Addison asked me to fetch our new exchange student for his first classes which just happens to be biology" he said smiling heavily like he was proud of himself "Introduce yourself young lad"
"I'm Leo Williams" he said throwing a smile that exposes his dimples making every single girl in the class room squeak and then Mr. Noah ushered him to his seat which was three rows after mine. Thank goodness.

The class went really long and boring and soon first period was over and then Mr. Noah asked Leo to wait behind and just as I was about to go he held my hands said "You too"
Why does he want me

"I know you are probably wondering why I want you, well, I'm so proud of you for coming early to class, I mean, I do come late but I always still arrive before you but today you were early and as a reward, I will give you the honour of showing Mr Williams around there school.

This isn't a reward, it's a punishment

"But I have English right now" I said trying to sound busy
"Oh, don't worry about that, I'll tell Mrs. Tregger that you had to do something important for me under Principal's orders" he said smiling, I turned and found Leo smiling too.
I tried to object but Mr. Noah kept finding solutions to all the problems I made up and then I had no choice but to walk out of the class with Leo following me from behind smiling.
I Hope he doesn't recognize

Author's note:
Hey guyz,
I wanted this to be a really long chapter but I decided that every other thing that happened next was best as Leo's POV so i'll write it as chapter six instead.
What's wrong with Luna and Tyler? We'll only find out it in chapter seven since chapter six is already in Leo's POV.
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#rietta cares

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