Chapter 7: Sleepovers, Special soup, Pillow fights

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Picture of Luna above 💖💖


Anya's POV:

I strutted away from him happy that he was in pain and I went straight to English class.
I didn't see him through out the day after that, I didn't even see Luna or Tyler.
After school I and Roxy decided that we'll met for some girly time at my house and maybe try to get Luna to say what's wrong with her.

I got home and went straight to my room without even greeting mum. I'm sure she won't mind.
I called Luna to tell her about the girly time we were gonna have at my place by 7:00 and maybe they can sleepover but to my utmost surprise, she didn't pick up my calls.
Something is really wrong, she always answers my class.
I tried her number a dozen more times but she didn't pick so I sent her a text hoping she'll reply and she did

Me: Hey Lu, what's wrong?, I've been trying to call you but you haven't been picking up. Please call me when you receive this text
Luna: I'm sorry Anya, I've been getting your calls but I didn't want to answer
Me: Why?
Luna: I just don't want to talk to anyone right now
Me: Why, what's wrong?
Luna: It's Tyler, we broke up 😭
Me: Broke up, but why? And I saw you guys come to school together today.
Luna: I know, it's a really long story I don't want to talk about 😭😭😭
Me: look, I and Roxy planned today for some girl time, I'll tell Roxy to come pick you over to my house and then we can talk, ok?
Luna: ook

I wonder what's wrong with wrong with them, they were so close how could they possibly break up.

I went downstairs to tell mum that my friends would be coming home tonight for a sleep over and then I found her cooking again in the kitchen with Amelia.
"Hey mum" I said entering the kitchen and grabbing an aple
"Hello dear, how was school?" mum asked smiling cheerfully as usual
"And how's your flavor of the week" Amelia asked me smiling so widely that the side of her mouth was almost touching her stupid evil eyes
"Shut up you!" I said giving her a stern look while she sticks her tongues out and I face mum who was already cracking an egg in the messed up kitchen
"So what are u making this time mum?" I asked her while passing her the curry she was about to take
"Well, I'm trying to see if I can make a whole soup with just simple ingredients" she said smiling like a genius while adding some pepper into a little still plate full with water and some other stuff
"Simple ingredients like what?" I asked concerned about my tummy.
If mum feels like her new recipe tastes good then that's the families new food code. There was a time that she thought that macaroni and taco tastes good and that was what we ate for the whole week.
"You know, like, peper, curry, water, salt, egg and some spices" she answered while closing the bottle of the curry obviously proud of herself
"Eww mum, I'm not eating that" Amelia said with a frown on her face
"Then you'll starve baby boo" mum answered back still smiling cheerfully making me laugh at Amelia's expression of disgust
"Anyways mum, I just wanted to tell you that Roxy and Luna would be coming over today for a sleepover" I said after having a good laugh at Amelia's face
"Ok, what time are they coming?"
"They are supposed to be here by 7:00" I answered and checked my phone noticing that the time was just 5:53"
"Ok then have fun girls" she said and then puts the still plate she put the pepper on earlier on fire
"Mum, you just put a plate on fire" Amelia said obviously stating the obvious
"I know Mel, it's all part of the recipe" she answered back beaming proudly and I walked out of the kitchen before I caught crazy.

"Thank you very much for dinner Mrs. Dewills, it was surprisingly amazing" Luna said smiling at my mum.
It's 7:42 right now, Roxy and Luna had arrived some minutes ago and we talked a little (although not about Tyler; we didn't want to bother her about it until later when she was in a better mood) then we went for dinner and of course mum served her special soup (which she hasn't named yet) for us and surprisingly, it was actually sweet. But now dinner was over and we were just about to head upstairs when Luna decided to thank mum for the meal smiling widely. Although I could easily tell she was faking it.
"You are welcome dear" my mum replied "Are you guys going to your room now?" she asked directing the question at me 
"Yes mum"
"OK, you guys have fun"
"Why can't I come too" Amelia asked but I ignored her and walked upstairs with Luna and Roxy leaving her alone with mum.

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